The unfolding of the misunderstanding of the laws called “covenant” and the “Ten Commandments” in the bible by the Holy Spirit

Many believers in Jesus Christ have either by ignorance or misunderstanding of all the numerous laws in the bible or just a way of neglecting the Ten Commandments which is the words of God which was written in hearts and mind through the blood of Jesus Christ, Romans 8:4 “That the righteousness of the law


Sabbath celebration in honour of our Lord Jesus the Sabbath The Sabbath Himself.

Sabbath Celebrations Sunset Friday to Sunset Saturday. The unfolding of the feasts of God, the Ten Commandments where the observance of the seven-day Sabbath is and the new year In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth  It utmost importance to remind all true believers in Jesus Christ, the Almighty GOD’s own words concerning the


The unfolding of the book of Revelation chapters 17. by the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ

Many writers, scholars, historians, poets and many more have tried to interpret or unfold the mystery of revelation chapter 17.9-17 The mountains or hills of Rome, the seven hills are: Aventine Hill  Caelian Hill  Capitoline Hill  Esquiline Hill Palatine Hill  Quirinal Hill  Viminal Hill  The seven heads and seven mountains, this denotes Rome, built on


Some of the unfolding of the mysteries of God’S word regarding His feasts days, Ten Commandments and His new year

Sabbath Celebrations Fridays evening  6 pm to Saturday 6 pm or Sunset Friday to Sunset Saturday. This time is not mandatory. I chose this time because the ways that the world’s calculation of times for the rising and setting of the Sun do not always go with the bible. For example, the world says the sunset
