Year: 2023

The controversy about the books of Galatians, Colossians and the Romans unfolded by our Lord Jesus Christ

The controversy about the books of Galatians, Colossians and Romans regarding days, months times and years that was unfolded to me by our Lord Jesus Christ  In the book of Galatians, Paul talked about circumcision, the book of the laws which is known as the ceremonial laws, that contained more…


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The veil rent in the middle, all the dross of the ceremonial laws were nailed to the cross, and the Temple itself was purified by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Mathew 27:51 And, behold, the veil of the Temple was rent in Twain from the top the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent Mark 15:38 And the veil of the Temple was rent in Twain from top to bottom Luke 23:4545 And the sun was darkened, and…


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