The Lord Jesus Christ Messages to His churches who have deliberately betrayed Him and rejected His spoken words, who is Jesus Christ Himself, according to John 1:1 In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God?

In the most powerful name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. 

Part 2 of the continuation of Part 1 of the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ given to me on 12.02.1980, which you have read or need to read in this website

To all the true churches of our Lord Jesus Christ all over the world. Peace be unto you, from our Almighty God and our Lord Jesus Christ and may you all prosper and grow in the knowledge and the understanding and the wisdom of the truth of the spoken words our of Lord Jesus Christ amen and amen

I the servant of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom the Lord Jesus Christ has given this sure revelation saying: My daughter, My evil and very disobedient servants, had betrayed me, the Almighty Lord, they had replaced my first working day of creations. The very day that I the Lord started work and created the heaven and the earth, for the use of humanity and my churches had made my first day at work, the day that I the Lord dedicated for humanity to work. My churches have made my day to be their own rest day, or what they called Sabbath of rest. My churches have adopted the evil practices of the beast, who took my first working day, of creations and my sabbath day to make them his own 6th day as his own mark of authority , dedicated to himself which he named as Sunday worship, a rest day for himadhis. churches and who forced his churches to honour like they honour him above anyone on earth and made himself God on earth. My daughter and my churches had rebelled against Me the Lord and have made My Churches to  have sinned greatly  against Me the Lord, they have dealt very treacherously against Me, very horrible, wickedness and great sins and abominations have been committed by My churches’ leaders and have made their transgressions so many, their backsliding have increased in them following this other god  that is not God and have made idolatrous objects, images of the creatures in heaven and earth and have desecrated My temples and altars. Even though they pretended not to worship or bow down to these evil idols and images, but they have joy in using them, but they know that these are the evil practices of this other god.  Moreover, they have seduced My churches to the worshipping of this other god that is not God, which   I the Lord commanded them not to do, because My evil servants that are obstinate and  blind and cannot see the truth in all My spoken words which are the Lord Himself. My servants and teachers that are called by My name  have been given to covetousness, deceit and lying, living in idolatrous evil ways daily and in unrighteousness for these many years. They have dealt falsely in all their doings and had forgotten Me the Lord and had made My churches to have committed these great iniquities upon iniquities daily before My eyes and have sinned against Me the Lord because of My evil servants that are full of misconceptions and mischievous hearts. They only think and trust in the the accumulation of their riches and worldly goods, and vain glorifications, but they do not know or perceive that they themselves are very poor,  wretched, naked and blind before Me the Lord, because their hearts are very far from Me the Lord, they refused to serve the Lord but they are serving themselves and this other god that is not God they have totally neglected the Lord that they profess. They derived great joy in leading the saints of the Lord in the worship of this other god that is not God for these many years, they must repent of these their evils, if they refuse, I the Lord will  punish them with astonishment, hissing and a curse and kill them with death and blindness. My daughter, The pastors who slide into My churches in sheep clothing but raving wolves have led My churches to have committed iniquities upon iniquities and have all evils in their hearts and their hands are full of blood, My shepherds’ have done evils and have tried to make My saints to loose their faith in Me with all these their evil doings in My churches and with their abominable evil Teachings, preachings and their worldly lifestyles and evil practices, they have allowed the evil people of the evil world to blasphemy My name and had done evils for all these many years. They have made My churches to serve and worship another god which is not God that  I the Lord commanded them they must never do. My servants that are called by My name have made My churches to have greatly sinned against Me the Lord in deserting Me the Lord and My truth and in the rejecting of My spoken words which are My seal upon My churches and for everyone that is called by My name, to set them apart from the evils of the world that they live in.  They have committed these great abominations upon abominations in all their evil doings and evil ways which My churches refused to stop.  I the Lord of all flesh have seen great abominable things that My evil servants in My temples have been doing for these many years. A wonderful and horrible things have been committed by My servants for these many years. My evil churches’ leaders that are hypocrites and liars and have been leading My churches to commit these great sins upon sins in this their worshipping of this evil beast  in My houses of prayers, because of these evil  shepherds who slide into My churches that appeared in sheep clothing but they are raving wolves and had led My churches astray to increase theirs sins daily before My eyes for these many years, and have done all the horrible and wicked things against Me and continuously doing all abominable things in worshipping this beast daily in My houses of prayers and continuing serving Me the Lord in deceit and hypocrisies. My churches have not walked in My ways because My evil servants and My ministers that are called by My name have not preached My true words to My churches but have gone after the false doctrines of the detestable beast for these many years which I the Lord commanded them not to do,  I the Lord have given them times and times to repent but they have not, but continued to sin against Me daily and always for these many years. Greater abominations and wicked abominations have been committed by My churches through the evil servants who crept into My churches in sheep clothing but are raving wolves and they have filled My churches with all the detestable creatures and with  their own evil devices to provoke Me the Lord to anger, but   I am the the Lord and before Me there is no other God, they should know that before that  I the Lord formed the Sun, the moon and numerous constellations stars in the firmament, have  I the Lord set My churches apart from the evil world that they live in and have very great and the greatest love for My churches, and I am a loving and a very merciful Lord. For these their many sins, their trespasses  I the Lord will not disown them, but they must repent with all their hearts, otherwise, I the Lord will recompense them according to their evil works, they should not think within themselves that O the Lord will not punish us, I the Lord will surely punish them with rebuke and death, unless they repent sincerely and ask Me  the Lord for  forgiveness and must forsake these their sinful ways and I  the Lord will forgive them for I am the Lord that forgives sins to all repentant sinners. From their heads to the soles of their feet My churches leaders and all My servants who are called by My name stinks and there is no soundness in them, and they are rotten with sins upon sins and have lived in sins for these many years, and have not one day think of Me the Lord in these their greater and numerous sins or repent but they drink sins like water and they are clothed with sins always before Me the Lord and they keep worshiping this evil beast for these many years. Even though their sins and their trespasses and  iniquities of My churches leaders are exceedingly great, they have not think to repent of these their very many sins. My sinful leaders have made My churches to have many mischievous, idolatrous things in My temples that are called by My name, because My servants have led My churches astray and have not walked in the ways that pleases Me and have refused to preach My true words to My churches which are the Lord’s Himself and My seal upon My churches and for everyone that is called by My name, to get them completely out of the evil world that they live in. They must leave these their ways of unrighteousness and repent sincerely  and ask Me the Lord for forgiveness, I the Lord will forgive them. My shepherds that are called by My name have committed adulteries, idolatrous things are been used by them, theyhave not stop to worship on the 6th day which is my first at work on creations knowingly and had led My churches to commit transgressions upon transgressions, sins upon sins before Me the Lord daily for these many years. My churches have committed the greater sins in rejecting My spoken words  which are the Lord Himself and thereby have willingly and knowingly neglected Me the Lord their only source of life. My churches serve Me with their mouths but  I the Lord is very far from their hearts because My blind churches’ leaders that are evil themselves and have made My churches to have committed these greater sins that are very grievous and have committed these greatest abominations upon abominations in their refusing to observe My feasts days to be holy convocations which are My spoken words which are  the Lord Himself and My seal upon My churches to differentiate them from the evil world so that they can live in  holiness and purity unto the Lord, but they have refused and gone the ways of the evil beast and by rejecting My spoken words which are the Lord’s Himself, and thereby have rejected Me the Lord. Knowing fully well that My spoken words are truth and they are My seal upon My churches to make them special and holy vessels to Me the Lord, My words are truth. My  Pastors in My temples have led my churches to have willingly neglected My Commandments, where My 7th day Sabbath is, which  the Lord had blessed and hallowed, that  the Lord had put in their minds and written on their hearts, which  the Lord commanded them to be holy convocations, and to live their lives by them, which are My spoken words that are My very true words, and that are the Lord Himself and My seal upon My churches that they can be separated from the evil world that they live in and to be holiness unto the Lord. But because of the evil shepherds who slide into My houses of prayers have led My churches to have deliberately abandoned, forsaken and have forgotten Me the Lord in rejecting my spoken words which are the Lord Himself for these many years. My daughter, I  the Lord have been set aside and completely neglected by My churches that are called by My name because of My mischievous servants that have eyes but cannot see, ears but cannot hear and have completely refused to understand My spoken words which are the Lord’s Himself, and that are My truth and My seal upon My churches to make them very different from the people of the evil world that they live in. My words are truth. My new year which I the LORD had commanded them to be the beginning of the year and the first months of the year for them which are My spoken words that are the Lord’s Himself which  are My seal upon My churches to live their live of holiness unto the Lord. My daughter, if only My churches know that My seal is the highest protection that I the Lord had put upon My churches to set them apart from worshipping the evil beast so that they can be Mine and Mine alone , to free them from this  evil and per-versed  world that they live in so  that they can be holy vessels to Me the Lord because I the Lord is their redeemer and their strength but I have been neglected by My churches for these many years, because My servants refused to do My will. My daughter, My churches have joy in refusing to serve Me for these many years without showing any regard or feel any remorse in all their evil behaviours to Me the Lord their maker and the everlasting Lord, because the evil shepherds who crawled like babies into My churches  but they are very evils and brought in their evil devices to seduce My churches to worship this strange god that is not God but unawares by My churches and had made My churches to have  sinned greatly against Me the Lord and their sins are grievous and very many before Me daily and they do not think of Me the Lord in what they do because their hearts are sealed with evils. Knowing fully well that all My spoken words are the Lord Himself and are truth. My evil servants who cannot think of any righteous things and have made My churches to have derived joy in deserting Me the Lord and prefer to continue in these their very greatest transgressions upon transgressions, sins upon sins before My eyes always and have pretended to serve Me the Lord and at the same time paying homages to another god that is not God for these many years which  I Lord forbid them, but delighted in sinning against Me daily. My evil servants had led My churches to have delighted in serving and worshiping these detestable dump god that is   not God rather than worshipping Me on My 7th day Sabbaths, which are My holy days, that  the Lord had blessed and hallowed to be holy convocations, that  the Lord had put in their minds and written on their hearts for them to live their lives by them so that they can be holiness unto the Lord, because they are My spoken words which are the Lord’s Himself and My seal upon My churches to keep them away from the evils  that are in world  to be holiness unto the Lord, because My servants had led My churches astray for these many years. They have not stopped worshipping on the 6th day! ,the day that I the made my first working day for humanith, the very day that I the Lord started the crestions of things on earth. for the Pastors have made My churches to have great pleasures in worshipping and serving this strange beast, whose doctrines are completely different from My truth, and who make numerous molten images, idols of creeping creatures and flying fowls of the air, of the hosts  in the heavens which they have not seen, of things on earth and things under the earth which they have not seen but have used their evil imaginations to make them, serve them, adore them, they paid homages to them, they have their full faith and trust in them, they bow down to them, they asked  them for help in all their difficulties, to hear and answer their prayers, they put their faith in the works of their own hands  and kneeling before them and make their prayers, supplications, and their requests  to these dumb images and embraced them They worship these detestable things and they make idols and images of the hosts of heaven which they have not seen and worship idols and praying to  My creatures rather than Me the mighty Lord and worship dead bodies and bowing down-and paying homages to them and put their faith and trust in dead bodies to protect them, to answer their prayers, and to supply all their needs  almost the whole world are very  delighted  in  following  this evil beast and worshipping, idolising him, because he made himself as God on earth and the world always respect him as one that is equal to God on earth and also very happy to worship him and all these deaf and dump idols, which can never see or smell  the works of their own hands which  the Lord commanded them not to do. This evil beast seduced others to join him in all these abominations, who trained his followers to live in idolatrous ways to carry small idols on their bodies to protect them wherever they go, they sleep with images of dead bodies to be their protectors. This evil beast continue to do evil things that are absolutely against Me the Lord and all sorts of wickedness have been done by him. This evil beast who intoxicated himself with all unrighteousness and abominations, had allured numerous people into believing in his false doctrines of the devil, into sensual and worldly evil practices. He had shed the blood of My prophets and My saints and intoxicated himself with it with joy and gladness and will not stop. He had shed the ocean of the blood of My saints with happiness and delighted himself in all his evil practises. He had deceived numerous people of the world into  submissions,  blindness to his false doctrines, all the inhabitants of the earth into his idolatrous  ways through his merchandise and evil trades which he used to deceive the world. He had bewitched and enslaved the people of the earth that are within his influences to his false doctrines and had not stoped to deceive  his followers into believing in his false miracles, signs and wonders and lead them to corruptions and damnations and to their graves. This evil beast through deceit and lies had promised peace to the world through his pretended power that he derived from the devil. The world worship this strange beast and make images of him and delighted in worshipping this beast and  following his false doctrines through his sorceries, deceit and manipulations. He had made up his mind to  destabilise the  truth  of the Lord with all his greatest hatred for Me the Lord. Through his deceptions and numerous lies has made his followers to bow and kneel down to these detestable idols and images of all kinds and to have their faith in the dumb images, they offer sacrifices to these dump idols which they have decorated with gold and silver and precious stones, these dumb things that cannot see, hear or move except they carry them on their own shoulders and they have their everlasting trust and faith in these dump idols which they made with their own hands into different shapes, colours and sizes  which are contrary to My doctrine and truth and have completely gone out of My ways. This evil beast has long denounced Me the Lord and became the Lord’s adversary and had completely falling away and separated himself from  Me the Lord and from My truth and had totally forsaken Me  the Lord and continued to blasphemy My name and My throne, He had trampled upon  My truth and My commandments and  My laws and have even desecrated  My temples and My altars  with these detestable objects, idols and images of the hosts of heavens and have blasphemed  My name and all the hosts of heavens,  this evil beast has gone out of  My truth to follow his own false doctrines that are against the My truth.  And had separated himself from Me. He has long left Me the Lord and from My truth and had wickedly and totally rejected Me the Lord and My spoken My words that are the truth which are the Lord’s Himself. This evil beast has led many people astray and has not stoped but  continue to lead people astray and to their destructions and to their death and do not care for their souls but continue to teach these people with his false doctrines and lies upon lies and deceptions which are contrary to My truth and many people have gone whoring after these evil beast and his evil practices and false doctrines and  to believe in his power of pretended signs and wonders, visions, false miracles which he derived from Devil.  He had made himself God on the earth and through his sorceries and wizardries, wickedness and manipulations, deceits had persuaded many  with flattery to idolising him and followed his false doctrines. This evil beast made many people to worship all the hosts of heavens, to put their faith and trust and their hearts  in these dump idols and pray to them and ask them to supply all their needs and made images of them as their everlasting protectors and continue to pay homages to the works of their own hands. He had taken away My truth from his followers  and had added his own evils and false teachings just to deceive his followers and the world. This evil beast has made the 6 th day  of the week  as  his own mark of authority and also the day he dedicated to himself in complete violation to My 7 th day Sabbath, My holy days. He had made his followers to believe in him as God on earth and made this 6 th day of the week very special day for himself and for his  peoples of all ages great and small, rich and poor, bond and free to worship, adore and pay homages to him on this his very special days.  The world has long admired, believed in all these his false doctrines and his evil practices, persecutions, policies, and his power which he derived from the devil,  and be the opposer of My truth and made people to pay honour to him, the honour that belong Me the Lord. This evil beast had fooled the world into believing in his evil Power of making a peaceful world. The devil  make sure that when one beast dies another beast comes into power and continue with the evil works of the beast before him because every beast is been controlled by the devil. But as for the devil and this evil beast, who are awaiting My judgment and condemnation, destruction and  with all that follow them because they will never repent of their evils deeds, wickedness and continue to commit sins upon sins. He had deliberately, willingly, hatefully tampered with My commandments, laws and My spoken words just to deceive the world and his followers with his false doctrines.  I the Lord had cast them out of My sight and I  have despised them, abhorred them, and had hid My face from the devil and him and all that follow him will  I the Lord put into everlasting darkness and all that are with him to be destroyed with My unquestionable fire, all  that are the followers of  this evil beast will definitely be destroyed with the devil and the beast because they have definitely refused to repent of their evil deeds, wickedness, sorceries and their evil practices and the devil and this  evil beast and their flowers had  made up their minds that they will never repent of their sins and their wickedness and their evil doings but to  be the sure and perpetual enemies, greatest adversary  to  Me the Lord. But I the Lord had prepared for them total alienation and destructions  from the face of the earth because they will never repent of their wickedness and their evils deeds and will forever but  continue to be against Me the Lord with their worshiping of idols, all sorts of images  and forever and had captivated the hearts of his  followers into  his false teachings and false doctrines of the devil, I  the Lord will destroy all of them with My unquenchable fire  at the Lord’s appointed time. My daughter, My  evil servants that are called  by My name, have led My churches to have followed some of the false doctrines of the distortable practices of this evil beast with their lack of knowledge, understanding of My true words which are the Lord Himself and My seal upon My churches and My evil servants had ignorantly led My churches to commit these greatest sins and these unspeakable abominations upon abominations in the worshipping of this beast  on his special 6 th day, the day that the evil beast dedicated to himself and   had filled My temples and My altars with all these evil things,  groves, bushes, molten images and idols of things in the earth and under the earth and of the hosts of  heaven, creatures of flying fowls and animals which they have adopted from the evil beast but pretended not to worship them or never to bow down to these detestable dump creatures but they have used them to serve Me the Lord in all My temples and My altars that are called by My name in  the most deceitful and hypocritical ways in which I the Lord commanded them never to do, My evil servants have set up their own thrones in My temples and on the altars that are called by My name. And had made themselves as Lords  over My churches by turning My saints into slavery, with their evil practices of the evil beast, by putting heavy burdens upon My churches by making  them to pay exuberantly far more in tithes and offerings than I the Lord commanded  but they have deceived My churches and pretend to be for  the Lord which  My evil servants have used  for  themselves fat and to live in their luxurious evil ways that are very sinful, wicked and not pleasing to Me the Lord. My evil Churches’s  leaders laid heavy burden upon My churches that they find very hard to bear which are against the commandments of the Lord. The bitterness in the hearts of My churches and their groaning, how My evil servants have laid this very heavy burdens upon My saints by making them  to the paying extra in tithes and offerings  that were forced upon them by all My evil servants that are called by My name they are all very exploitative. Further more, they have turned My houses of prayers to dens of thieves in selling their over priced merchandise in the Lords temples. With these their very  wicked and their mischievous   acts, have left  My saints very poor and miserable. My churches’  crying and weeping have come up to Me the Lord. My daughter, these evil practices of My evil servants and with all these their deceptions and the dishonesty, their many  lies, these their numerous sins that they have deliberately sinned against Me, with their heavy burdens upon My churches and their desertion of Me, and leaving  My saints  to be poverty stricken without any care or feel remorse for all these their evil doings,  My evil servants are very  happy to line their own pockets with the Lord’s money and had the greatest pleasures and have mingled  themselves with the evil people of the world to live  in luxurious evil ways. With these their evil sins , My daughter will I the Lord not punish them severely ? I will punish them with great astonishment, rods, put them into public shame and ridicule and with incurable diseases unless they repent with whole hearts and forsake their evil ways . I a m a  forgiving  Lord,  of mercies, graces and compassion and for  the greatest love that I Lord have for My churches, I cannot but turned My eyes away from these their greatest sins and have pity upon them for My namesake but  they must really and sincerely forsake their wickedness and must repent. Have they not known or perceived that Before  I the Lord made the wilderness to receive rain, have I the Lord carved out My churches from the evil world that they live in and make them My own with My feasts as holy convocations, My Commandments where the seventh day Sabbath is, blessed and hallowed which I the Lord put in their minds and written on their hearts as holy convocations and My new year as the beginning of year and first month of the year for them that are My spoken words which are the Lord’s Himself as seal upon My churches for everyone that is called by the Lord’s name  to separate them from the evil world that is full of woes. Oh, that My churches would do My will but have turned their faces and backs to Me in this their backsliding and continue to separate themselves very far  and away from Me their everlasting Lord because they should know that My words are truth, but they chose not to do things according to My true spoken words. My words are truth.   Oh, that My servants  and My churches that are called by My name would listen to Me their Saviour,  redeemer and the creator of all things in the heaven and the earth and all the things that are therein is. They should know that before anything was made upon the earth and before that I the Lord spread out the sky, which is very strong and  as a molten looking glass have I the Lord loved My churches with My everlasting love. Oh that My servants and My churches would repent of these their greatest sins and come back to Me their source of life with all their repentant hearts,   I the Lord will receive them to Myself with the same open arms that I the Lord had used to bring them to Myself. They should know that  before anything was made upon  the face of earth and  before the foundation of the world,  I the Lord had  greatest love for My churches. Even though they have deserted Me their Saviour and their strength and  redeemer for these many years, they are forever Mine. I am the Lord that gave birth to them and called them by My name and made them mine and had long ago covered My churches with My glory to protect and single them out from the evil world that they live in. Oh if only My churches would remember  the  everlasting life that I the Lord gave them that they can be holiness unto the Lord but they need to come out from these their greatest sins upon sins and out from this their backsliding and repent of these their evils and not to reject My spoken words which they know that  My words are the Lord Himself but have turned their deaf ears and their backs to Me the Lord that gave them My true words that are the Lord Himself.  As for My evil, Pastors, leaders, servants of the Lord  who do evil things in the temples of the Lord, who led My churches to sin the greatest against Me and can only think of how they can increase their wealth, where their loyalty and trust is.   Rather than walking in the  ways of  the Lord that created them. My daughter  My servants have led My churches to have committed these greatest sins upon sins against Me the Lord, in rejecting My feasts days as holy convocations, My commandments where the seventh day Sabbath  to be holy convocations that the Lord has blessed and hallowed that was put on their minds and written on their hearts,  My new year that I the Lord told them to use as the beginning of year and first month of the year for them  which are My spoken words that are the Lord’s Himself,  My seal upon My churches for everyone that is called by the Lord name to single them out from the evil people of the world that they live in and for them to lead a holy live unto the Lord. But I the Lord will punish those My Pastors, servants and ministers with whips, beatings and disgrace them publicly and kill some of them with death, unless they repent,  who called themselves servants of the Lord and doing all the evils things, in the temples of the Lord. But they are full of lies, deceptions in the churches  of the Lord, who called themselves workers in the Lord’s vineyard  will I the Lord disgrace with reproaches,  and plague with incurable diseases, unless they repent. My churches must repent with their whole hearts and ask Me the Lord for forgiveness. And I the Lord that forgives all repentant sinners, will forgive them. Because of the greatest love that I the Lord have for them. My churches must stop and regret sincerely from sinning against Me, feel very sorry for these their many  grievous and greatest sins.  But  after their sincere and have repented and have forsaken their evil deeds, I the Lord will   bring My churches with  the observance of My feasts days to be holy convocations, these are My spoken words and which are the Lord Himself, My Commandment where the seventh day Sabbath is that the Lord has blessed and hallowed which the Lord put on their minds and written on their hearts, My new year to be the beginning of year and the first month of the year for them,  My seal upon My churches to make a difference between them and the evil world that they live in, My spoken words are the truth which must be obeyed by My churches, and to live their lives by My spoken words because they are the Lord Himself and My words are the truth. Have they not known or perceived that the Lord and His  words are one, very inseparable and indivisible but whole. My words are truth. My daughter tell  My churches to leave these their lives of unbelief and rebellions but to repent whole hearts and MUST believe My spoken words which are the Lord’s Himself. And to live their lives by them. My daughter, My churches had forsaken Me the Lord and My spoken words for all these many years and had played the whoredom. Thereby had deliberately, foolishly willingly, rebelliously and knowingly neglected Me their source of life, their Saviour and redeemer and their maker. If only My churches would know that I the Lord has used all these as the strongest and everlasting barrier and  to make  a difference between them and the evil world that is full of evils, corruptions, deceits and pervasiveness, but they chose not to know. My daughter Oh, that My churches will listen to Me, the Lord and do what pleases Me. My daughter , because of My evil servants, in My churches  had  rebelliously rejected My spoken words  for these many years and had knowingly led My churches astray and had continuously sinning against Me the Lord in this their rejections of My spoken words which are the Lord’s Himself and My seal upon My churches to free them from this wicked and perverse world that are full of nothing but sins. And I the Lord have used My spoken words  as a very thick and fixed wall to protect them from the evil world that they live in, that they can live their lives of holiness unto the Lord. Because My words are  truth. My daughter, My churches have committed these greatest iniquities upon iniquities and have sowed iniquities upon their hearts in this their refusal to observe My feasts days  as holy convocations, which are My spoken words that are the Lord Himself. My Commandments where the seventh day Sabbath is that the I the Lord has blessed and hallowed, as holy convocations, that was put in their minds and written on their hearts, My new year as the beginning of year and the first month of the year for them that are My spoken words which are the the Lord Himself and My seal to protect them from the world that is full of misconceptions and evils. My daughter My churches have sinned and have committed these greatest abominations upon abominations and did not stop from committing sins because of My evil servants that had misled them to commit adulteries and idolatries and have not stopped from their evils doings., have led My churches to have sinned and gone against Me the Lord who made them. My daughter, I am the Lord of compassion and mercies, the Lord that forgives sins and safe the repentants from destructions. I am the merciful Lord and the Lord of all graces. I am the Lord whose words stands forever because My words are the truth. My daughter, I the Lord I am Love and my love for My churches have not changed even for these their greatest sins upon sins for these many years and despite these their grievous sins against Me, My everlasting love for them has not diminished, but they have to repent with their whole hearts and forsake their evil ways and their lies upon lies  and ask Me the Lord for forgiveness. I the Lord will have mercies upon My churches and will  forgive these their numerous sins that they have sinned against Me. My daughter My churches must observe My feast days to be holy convocation, My Commandments as holy convocation where the 7 th day Sabbath is that the Lord has blessed and hallowed which I the Lord put on their minds and written on their hearts.   My new year to be used as the beginning of year and the first month of the year for them which are My spoken words that are the Lord Himself and seal upon My churches to completely take them out from the evil world and to live their lives of holiness unto the Lord.  I the Lord had used all these to set apart My churches from the evil world that they live in and  as  a fixed and very thick line of security to free My churches from the evil world that is full of woes. Oh My daughter, if only My  churches know that I the Lord had chosen My churches and had made them different from the evil world that they live in before anything came to be upon the face this earth, have  I the Lord made  them to be a set apart  people with My spoken words that are  My seal upon My churches to make them very different from the evil world. They should know that before the foundation of the world and before anything was upon this earth, have I the Lord used Myself, as the strongest wedge between My churches and the evil people of the world that is very sinful in all their doings are nothing but wickedness. Have they not known or perceived that before that I the Lord  laid the foundation of the world, before anything came to be upon the face of the earth, before I the Lord created the firmament have I the Lord  set My churches apart from the evil world so that they can  live   their lives of holiness unto the Lord and to know that by My spoken words  that are  the Lord Himself. Oh if only My churches will harken unto My spoken words and not to reject Me the Lord. But the Love that I the Lord have for My churches is so great that I the Lord did not leave  them fatherless because they are My children to whom I gave birth and called by My name. But  for these their many sins,  I the Lord have had mercies upon them and not to look upon these their numerous sins which they have to repent with their whole hearts and I the everlasting Lord will bring My churches back to Myself with all their repentant hearts of the observance My feasts days to be holy convocations because they are My spoken words which are the Lord Himself. Oh if only My churches would know that the Lord and His words are one, whole and inseparable and indivisible that remains forever and which must be obeyed by My churches because they are My seal upon My churches to make them vessels of holiness unto the Lord. I the Lord had set apart My churches with   My new year to be the beginning of the year and the first month of the year for them which are My spoken words that are the Lord Himself and My seal upon My churches to single them out from the evil people of the world  that are full of evils, and dishonesty.  My Commandments where the 7th day Sabbath is that I the Lord had blessed and hallowed to be holy convocations which I the Lord had put on their minds and written on their hearts that are My very spoken words, which are the Lord  Himself, all these have I the Lord used and made as a very sure and a permanent division between My churches and the evil world that they live in.  Have they not known or perceived that before the foundation of the world and before anything was made in the universe, before I the Lord put the beams  of MY chambers   in the waters have I the Lord  set My churches apart from the evil world. Have they not known Or perceived that the words of the Lord created the heaven and the earth and all that  are there in is. My  daughter, tell My churches to repent of these their many sins, lies upon lies and and their deceitful hearts with all their might and I the Lord will forgive their iniquities, their sins and transgressions and their abominable behaviours. But those  evil Pastors, servants who called themselves the ministers of the Lord who crept like babies into  My  Temples  and mingled  themselves with My churches in sheep clothing, but they are raving wolves,  thieves, who came in to destroy and to try to make My saints to loose their faith in Me the Lord  with their False doctrines and  preachings and teachings  to entice My churches and have drawn them to idolatries. All these evil servants  will  I the Lord punish, and some will I the Lord destroy with their evils and cast them away from the face of the earth, if they refuse to repent and change from their evil ways and their evil doings. But My churches must come back to Me the Lord as repentant sinners and must obey all My spoken words which are the Lord’s Himself.  I am the Lord that forgives sins and save the sinners from destructions, and I will forgive My churches of these their greatest and grievous sins, but they must repent sorrowfully and with their whole hearts and   forsake all  these their numerous sins. I the Lord will bring My churches into the remembrance of the observance of My feasts days to be holy convocation, that are My spoken words which are the Lord’s Himself and that they must live their lives by them. My Daughter, tell My churches that with these their full repentances and their forsaken of all evils, will awaken them to  the greatest revival of the observance of My  feasts days as holy convocations, My new year as the beginning of years and the first month of the year for them, and My Commandments where My 7th day Sabbath is which I the Lord had blessed and hallowed and that I the Lord has put in their minds and written on their hearts shall forever purge away all their lies upon lies, their deceptions and all their unrighteousness, cleanse their sinful hearts and minds and take away all  doubts and uncertainty and unbelief, from their rebellious hearts and destroy all their evil doings from my  servants’ and from My churches lives,  and take away all the detestable things that have made My churches to sin against Me for these many years and  every evil things that are in My Temples which  have devilled My altars and made My churches to have sinned the greatest against Me the Lord, all the evils things will be taken away, and be consumed by the unquenchable fire that will come from the Lord and all abominable things will be completely consumed  and be destroyed from  all My Temples  and My altars by the unquestionable fire that will come from the Lord so that My churches can live their lives of purity and holiness unto the Lord. My daughter, I the Lord is sending you to My churches to sound loud and clear all these My words and to publish them at the appointed time that I the Lord will tell you My daughter to make known to My churches  all the things that I the Lord have fed you with, you must do as I the Lord have commanded you, do not be afraid, or dismayed and be strong I the Lord has given you a charge and  a commandment and  have given you more of My power so that you can bear the burdens, the pains, of reproaches of man and all the things that you are going to suffer and  that will come upon you for My namesake, which I the Lord have told you before and now you know, but be very faithful unto death,  because I the Lord is with you always and to use you as My chosen vessel  through whom I will work these My works . I am the Lord. I am the Lord. I am the Lord. I am the Lord of all flesh, the Lord of hosts of heavens of heavens and earth and all that are therein is. May the Almighty God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and our Lord Jesus Christ bless you richly and feed you with the understanding, knowledge and the wisdom of the spoken words our Lord Jesus Christ as you are listening and acting regarding the Lord Jesus Christ spoken words that are definitely the Lord Jesus Christ Himself and His seal for upon His churches to set them apart from the evils that are in the world in Jesus Christ name amen. By the graces of the Lord Jesus Christ and gave more more revelations of the real Antichrists and the false prophet. But not as the churches and the world know them but as the all knowing Lord Jesus Christ know them who knows them far better than anyone.   “He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.” May the Lord Jesus Christ fills all His true saints with all His spoken words in Christ Jesus Amen.

I do not belong to any church or denomination or organisation because the Lord Jesus Christ has put me under His teachings, mentorship and guidance for these many years

You can read all these revelations in the website https: //

My name is Juliana JooSabba


Telephone: 07943570809


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In the most powerful name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  Part 2 of the continuation of Part 1 of the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ given to me on 12.02.1980, which you have read or need to read in this website To all the true churches of our Lord…


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