confessions and repentances and prayers of forgiveness to all the churches of our Lord Jesus Christ world wide
Confessions, repentances, and prayers for forgiveness for all the churches of our Lord Jesus Christ all the world
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
New Testament churches, with the many explanations of the bible scriptures, that have now opened our hearts and our thoughts, understanding and the knowledge of the gravities and of the terrible, lead weight of our sins against our Lord Jesus Christ, in the rejecting, neglecting and rebelliously acted foolishly in refusing to obey the spoken words of our Lord Jesus Christ which are our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. This our rejection to the observance of the Lord’s feasts days to be holy convocations, His Ten Commandments where the seventh day Sabbath is, to be holy convocation, that the Lord has blessed and hallowed, that was put on our minds and written on our hearts through the blood of Jesus Christ. This our rejection is very sinful, wicked and hateful, we deeply regret it and very ashamed of this our terrible and the greatest sins ever committed by us. We need all the right ways now is to ask our Lord Jesus Christ to pour upon us the Spirit of confessions and repentances of our horrible sins and to say with all our hearts, that we have sinned, we have sinned and we sinned and we are greatly very sorry and denounce all sins, trespassing, and unrighteousness and all evils with our broken hearts and broken and contrite spirits. We are deeply sorry wholeheartedly for these our greatest sins, and we repent sincerely and regretfully, shamefully, shamelessly, selflessly, and say that we are deeply sorry, very much disheartening, and very disturbing to have sinned against our Lord Jesus Christ. Please Lord we ask for your forgiveness and have now come to the realisation of the sincere prayers of confessions, repentances, and we ask for our Lord’s forgiveness And I your servant, whom you Lord had commanded and commissioned to sound loud and clear to your churches. I now pray unto the LORD our God, and made our confessions, and I say, O Lord, the great and dreadful God, keeping the covenant and mercy to them that love him, and to them that keep his commandments;” “We have sinned, and have committed iniquities upon iniquities, and have done wickedly, and have rebelled, even by departing from thy spoken words and from thy feast days to be holy convocation: thy Ten Commandments where the seventh day Sabbath is that was blessed and hallowed which the Lord put on our minds and written on our hearts through the blood of Jesus Christ and your new year to be used as the beginning of year and first month of the year for us. Neither have we harken to your spoken words which are the Lord Himself, because we have sinned terribly against thee oh our Lord. Oh, our gracious Lord, we have ignorantly and deeply sinned against you. We your New Testament churches have committed transgressions and abominations by refusing all your spoken words, we have not obeyed them for these many years.And to walk according to the Lord’s will, Yes all your New Testament churches have transgressed against thy spoken words and have committed the greatest sin ever committed by any human beings without been consumed by the Lord, but because of your graces upon us, you have given us chance to confess and repent of all our sins. To the Lord our God belong mercies and forgivenesses though we have rebelled against Him, by rejecting His spoken words which are the Lord Himself. We have now say with our whole very sorry and regret sinning against our Lord we are deeply sorry and have repented wholeheartedly, regrettably and selflessly. We repent, with the greatest sadness, shamelessly, shamefullnes, with remorse broken hearts and broken and contrite spirits. We have sinned and our sins are more that the sands in the seas. This tsunami of our sins which can not be compared to anyone that has ever sinned against the Lord. These our many terrible sins are the greatest, we should have been condemned, consumed and be destroyed but for the graces of the Lord upon us and His mercies that kept us alive to confess our sins and say sorry and ask the Lord to forgive us. Lord, for your namesake, please our Lord, we are deeply sorry for these our many sins, we now asked you for forgiveness, please Lord forgive us and have mercies upon us for your greatest love that you bestowed upon us as your New Testament churches Now for these our profoundly serious and greatest sins have brought calamities, shame and disgrace upon your churches. These lead weight of our sins, these tsunamis of our sins, this sea of our sins, these our presumptuous sins, these greatest and our profound sins that we have sinned grievously against our Lord Jesus Christ, we are now in dying need of very serious confessions and to forsake all evils and all unrighteousness and ask for forgiveness We have forsaken all sins and all trespassesl we must confess and repent and say we are deeply sorry of these our greatest sins and ask the Lord for forgiveness either individually or collectively or in any way that true and very sincere repentants should be. I repeat again about the churches’ complete and total confessions and repentances. But we the servants of the Lord Jesus are of all categories have made the shipwreck of the truth of the spoken words which have made the churches sinned the greatest against our Lord Jesus Christ for these many years, and in profoundly serious need of sincere and serious confessions of our sins and sincere repentances. We are now very sorry for this greatest and this magnitude of our sins, this weight of these our hateful sins, and the seriousness-of our sins that we your New Testament churches and our leaders have willingly, deliberately, rebelliously and significantly sinned against you, the Lord Almighty God and our Lord Jesus Christ the creator of all the things in the heaven and earth and by the commandment of our Lord Jesus Christ who had commanded me to stand in the gap for all the churches of our Lord Jesus Christ I say wholeheartedly, even as unwholesome that our sins have made us, neither have we any hiding place for our sins: For we have provoked thy wrath in the very biggest ways, far more than anyone has ever done before thee, We did not thy will, neither did we listen to your spoken words. We have now set up abominations upon abominations, and have multiplied offences upon offences, have seriously sinned against our Lord very badly. Now therefore we bow the knees of our hearts, we your New Testament churches and our leaders are deeply sorry for our sins, we are beseeching thee of your graces and mercies for our forgiveness: We have sinned against you O Lord, we have sinned against you our Lord, Ah! Lord Ah! Lord we have sinned against you and have acknowledged our grievous, heavy, shameful and presumptuous sins, knowing our iniquities and transgressions are the greatest: we are very sorry and seriously regret sinning against you our Lord and against your spoken words that are the Lord Himself we are very sorry we again say, we are very sorry, for these our numerous sins wherefore I humbly beseech thee, forgive us, O Lord, forgive us, please Lord forgives us, we are very sorry for these our greatest sins that anyone has ever sin against you without being consumed, but for graces that you bestowed upon us, we are now begging you to accept our confessions in this our sorry state and our very sincere repentances and ask for forgiveness. Please our only Father in heaven and earth forgive us and destroy us not with our iniquities and our transgressions, with all these our abominations to the lower part of the earth, where there is total darkness and that is meant for a complete separation from the Almighty God and our Lord Jesus Christ till eternity. Lord you are very right to be very angry with us, but I beg you Lord not to be angry with us for ever, by reserving evil for us, neither condemn us into the lower parts of the earth that is full of darkness and meant for eternal separation from God and our Lord Jesus Christ. For thou art the Lord of the greatest mercies and compassion, you are even the Lord of them that repent sincerely and in us thou wilt shew all thy goodness: for thou wilt save us even though we are unfit and unworthy, according to our sinful hearts but for by thy greatest mercies and your everlasting love that you have for us, you will have mercy and your graces upon us and revive us with your fire Inferno of your spoken words. Therefore, we will praise thee for ever all the days of our lives: like all the hosts of the heavens of heavens do praise thee daily. Please Lord Jesus Christ come and revive your churches with your reviving fire inferno of your words, by your graces and me we your churches will be revived and free from these horrible sins that we have committed against you for these many hundreds of years, our merciful Lord, we are very sorry, please our Lord forgive us. I am very sorry for these our sins, and knowing how numerous and grievous these our sins are, these terrible sins of us from your own New Testament churches, I repent of my own sins sincerely with everything in my beings, with the greatest remorse and heartfelt sorrow, greatest broken-heart broken and contrite spirit even though as unworthy as I am, but as a repentant sinner under the graces of our Lord Jesus Christ and by your mercies and that you Lord had commissioned, commanded and had authorised me by your graces and mercies to proclaim and to sound it loud and clear and to tell your churches and the these your messages of revival of your churches and that you will forgive us and free us from these our woeful sins that we-have sinned against the Lord but we have now repented sincerely. We are deeply sorry for our sins, and we repent wholeheartedly and feel very sorrowful we have now asked for your forgiveness for your New Testament churches who have gone entirely out of Christ ways and have sinned against you Lord Almighty and our Lord Jesus Christ in our words, in deeds, in actions and have transgressed. And because of these our grievous sins, evil things are being done by the New Testament churches and by their leaders all over the world and that is why the New Testament churches are behaving foolishly, sinfully and disgracefully on the Lord’s altars where they performed their ungodly, abominations and very sinful activities and live in unrighteousness every day, weekly worshipping on the 6 th day of the week the mark of the beast of revelation 13 for these many years. These evils that we the New Testament churches had done, demands full repentances from our sins, and in all the forms that are good in order that you can free us from these our horrible lead weights of our sins sincerely and meaningfully and remorselessly and to denounce these very wicked horrible sins and all evils now we have really and truly repent of these greatest sins against our Almighty Lord. Because we as the churches of our Lord Jesus Christ did not listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit which the Lord gave us to know His truth and differentiate them from all false bible scriptures. John 16: 13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.” Lord our merciful Lord, we repent of our sins remorsefully with everything in our beings,
with sadness, regret and heartfelt felt sorrow, broken hearts, broken and contrite spirits even though as unworthy as we are, but as repentant sinners, we ask for your forgiveness And now we know perfectly well that we have done many very terrible things and have sinned against you Lord Almighty and our Lord Jesus Christ in our words, in deeds, in our actions and have these sea of our transgressions. By rejecting your spoken words, have definitely rejected the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, but we have ignorantly despised your spoken words which are the Lord Himself, hate them, through our lack of knowledge of your true spoken words and this is very grievous, profoundly very awful, and sinful on our part. And is why and the main and very strong and convincing reasons why the New Testament churches have evil and con artists leaders and pastors, evangelists, false servants of God, false churches leaders, false shepherds and that has made all the servants of our Lord Jesus Christ to be acting very waywardly, sinfully, godlessly and mischievously with their evil devices and have behaved very disgracefully and we have done every wicked things in all our ways, our actions and all our doings in all the temples and on all the altars of the gfqqLord d all over the world. The Gathering that we call a church in the temples of the Lord, is definitely not pleasing in the eyes of the Lord. It is nothing but Places of Tussles for Powers, Positions, Fame, Divisions, Superiority, Supremacy . And Many who call themselves Shepherds in the temples of the Lord Who are Supposed to Protect the Lord’s Sheep From Ravening wolves Have Become the ravening wolves themselves, Devouring the Very Sheep that they are supposed to protect.The Hearts all the servants and the saints are completely Divided Against Each Other And Brothers Are Seeking The Downfall Of Brothers For The Sake Of Positions of authority, money, fame and luxurious lifestyles The Altars of the Lord Jesus Christ have become Boxing Rings. Where Shepherds, Pastors, prophets And all the servants of the Lord fight themselves with punches and speaking foul languages in the temples of the Lord and on His altars The Church is Divided Among Themselves; Choosing Leaders Based On What They Stand To Gain Materially Rather Than What They Stand To Gain Spiritually. Pastors Fight Pastors For Positions And Members Fight Pastors For the Possession Of The Church. most of the servants and leaders of churches fight themselves to bring each other down in prayers
The evil world are now the lawyers and judges advocating and on behalf of the so called servants of Lord. Churches are taking churches to court to settle their grievances The false servants of the Lord in churches are very happy and proud to celebrate the evil feasts of the antichrists And thereby by making the Lord’s churches to celebrate on the feasts days of the antichrists, known as the beast or Papacy or line of Popes, Christmas, Easter, Fathers days, Mothers day’s, Valentine’s days, new year and decorating the temples and the altars of the Lord with the idols and images of all the hosts of heaven and making all these detestable figures all shapes, sizes and colours, making the molten images of the Lord Jesus Christ into plastic, wood and the artificial mangers that they display on the altars of the Lord, knowingly , making the images of the Jesus Christ as plastics or woods and desecrating the temples and the altars of our Lord. And many more atrocities had been committed by the New Testament churches for these many years. Which the Lord had made known to us in His prophetic words in Daniel 7:25, that says the saints of the Lord shall be given into the hands of the beast or the antichrists has now been fulfilled which has resulted in the form of Sunday worship that we have been doing for these many years and not Remembering the words of the Lord in revelation 13 that He told us that the number of the man is 666., which have been deciphered as vicarious Fili Dei known as the vicar of God to be worshipped, who made himself God on earth. And that is the main reasons that the servants of our Lord had behaved very badly, sinfully, with the tsunami of lies upon lies and deceptions and live the live of unrighteousness on the Lord’s altars where they performed their ungodly, trespasses, greatest abominations and very sinful activities and live in the greatest sins for these many years, we have now made our everlasting commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ to stop from all these our sinful ways in the temples of the Lord. We now thought within ourselves how can we have allowed these abominations to have happened in the Temples of the Lord Jesus Christ? It is quite disgraceful and bad and very unheard of, and it is very on call for. With these our sea of sins, we have committed abominations upon abominations by all your servants that are called by your name and all the New Testament churches in these our rejection of your spoken words and lack of your servants awareness of the impact that these evils will have on us, has led us to have false ministers, Pastors, evangelicals preachers and prophets that brought into your temples and altars many evil devices and idolatrous objects and had desecrated your temples and your altars for these many years. We as your New Testament Churches’s ministers, servants of the Lord had done worst abominations and have used all abominable things in your temples and the desecration of your temples and altars every day. New Testament churches are using Idolatrous things like handkerchiefs, soaps, water, candles, salt, as means of contact between the saints and our Lord Christ and as their methods of delivering some from the power of evil spirits which they themselves are the ones full of evil spirits, they are very ritualistic and very evil. They, also evoking magical evil fires to come down, pretending to come from Godt, using sand as points of contact between Jesus Christ and His saints. Everywhere you look there are abominations upon abominations, sins upon sins, falsehoods walking on waters and in the air, pretending to be like that of Jesus Christ, and thereby making themselves into the position of Jesus Christ. Pretending that their falsehood actions and very false pretences are from Jesus Christ and powered by the Holy Ghost and many more falsehoods are beings used as miracles pretending they are from Jesus Christ to His vulnerable and very devoted saints, those who are actually looking forward to Christ’s own miracles, the evil churches’ leaders are preaching on sewing seed inform of huge donations which Have never been heard of in the bible scriptures, but from their own evil devices. These are the very bad teachings, very evil and very abominable propaganda tricks and propagandists’ practices in the New Testament churches of our Lord Jesus Christ that are being practiced and done in the Lord’s temples, your New Testament churches leaders, pastors, ministers, servants of God have left the protections of God the father of our Lord Jesus Christ and our Jesus Christ for the worldly protections of police men and soldiers, relying on human protection rather than God’s and Jesus Christ protections, Oh Lord! Oh! our Lord! Oh our Lord! the one and only eternal protector, defender, guidance of all things in heavens of heavens and earth, your New Testament churches and the whole earth have greatly sinned against God and our Lord Jesus Christ, Oh Lord forgive us and brings your churches back to trust in you as the one and only protector and one and only defender, guide and guidance of the heavens of heavens and earth, Jesus is only, and the sole protector of His churches. The greatest abominable things are done in your New Testament churches, false healings are been practiced, performed in the Lord’s temples and healing oil are being sold at high prices, contrary to your spoken words through James chapter 5: 13-19 13Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms. 14Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: 15And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him ur p; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. . More abominable practices of self-calling are the practices which have now been the practices of the New Testament churches’ leaders, self made pastors, Apostles, evangelists, prophets and General overseers and once these so- called and self -made churches leaders, or the perpetrators or false ministers and pastors have made themselves into the positions of pastors and ministers of the Lord, their husbands or wives and children automatically become Pastors, leaders, ministers and apostles, prophets that are not from the anointing of the Lord and these false ministers of the Lord pretend now to have the power to cast out demons and to anoint any member of their congregationsgg that they choose among their favourites, under the pretence that the Holy Spirit working power also is empowering them to choose leadership and to perform false wonders, signs and miracles and prophesying false promises, these their false practices are done in all your churches are all over the world. All their evil performances are done in these New Testament churches and in your houses of prayers and your temples without the fear of the Lord. There are greater abominations to see in the temples of the Lord, there are guards standing at strategic places in-the temples of Christ, and in their own houses, offices and wherever they are, there are police and soldiers guarding and protecting the servants of the Lord Jesus Christ, shepherds of the Lord’s sheep, or the leaders of the churches of our Lord Jesus Christ, they are afraid of their imperfections, false practices and do not have any confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ anymore for His protection that they pretend to preach while they rely on merely on human guards in to guard and protect them and not the Lord Jesus Christ anymore but they put their trust on mare human beings as their guards, guardians and protectors, defenders, the New Testament churches do not rely on the Lord’s to protect them anymore but they employed police and soldiers to protect them. There are more of these evil practices and selfishness in your temples Oh LORD and in your churches, the Lord’s anointing has been turned into artificial, pastors-made, or self-made, pretending to be the real anointing coming from the Lord , and speaking gibberish tongues pretending to speak in the bible or the disciples of Jesus Christ tongues in the of the New Testament churches and shaking very violently pretending that they are being powered by the Holy Spirit, the Lord’s anointing have been turned into self-made and maladies, and as playing things, or as power of showing their superiority to those who cannot speak or act very sinfully and foolishly like them. New Testament churches practiced their falsehoods of pretending healings knowingly admittedly that their falsehood healings are not from our Lord Jesus Christ, but just to fool their congregations and proudly showing their own evil powers. False miracles that dead bodies have risen through their falsehoods and deceptions and their web and bridge of lies. The New Testament churches are very full of false miracles and signs and wonders, false casting out evil spirits from people but are completely falsehoods, that are full of magical tricks and really satanic. Now the Pastors, New Testament churches leaders and ministers of God have become GOD TO THEMSELVES before their congregations in the churches of our Lord Jesus Christ. The New Testament churches of Jesus Christ are now owned and controlled by pastors and churches leaders who are exploiting your saints and have turned all your houses of prayers to the highest bidding money-making supermarkets, propaganda of buying one and get one free when they sell their machandice to fool and deceive their members or your saints and has turned your houses of prayers to bookshops where sell their unending writing of books for sales and their own Machandice at exuberant prices, your so-called shepherds or servants or pastors now sell your sure words of blessings for money and their over priced merchandise at an exorbitant prices in an alarming rate to your saints. These false pastors, ministers and churches leaders milk the saints of Jesus Christ spiritually, financially, time – wise and health wise and have milked them very dry of their financial resources and had heartlessly taken every money from the saints of the Lord Jesus Christ for their evil luxurious lifestyles livings, Please Lord Jesus Christ, come and intervene, please Lord help to deliver your saints, from this wickedness for your namesake. These evils should not have happened in your churches as they are now and all over the world. The reason is very obvious, because we have been mislead by those evil servants of the Lord in rejecting the observance of the feasts of the Lord as holy convocations, His Ten Commandments as holy convocation where the seventh day Sabbath is which the Lord had blessed and hallowed and put on our minds and written on our hearts through the blood of Jesus Christ, which are the very spoken words of the Lord that are the Lord Himself. And your new year to the beginning of year and the first month of the year for us. Other abominations are that your servants’ are now the owners or founders, controllers of your churches, they bear the title of the “founders” of Christ’s churches, which is not true, Jesus Christ founded His church with His blood before the foundation of the world. Nobody can be a founder of Jesus Christ’s church on this planet earth. They have also attributed the patronage of Jesus Christ churches and all the nations of the world to mare human beings or dead saints like st. Patrick the patron of Ireland, St Andrew the patron of England forgetting the words of the Lord that says if God does not watch the city, the watchers are watching in vain….“ Psalm 127:1 Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.”There are many more abominations upon abominations like using mare human beings to be patrons of Jesus Christ churches, which are been done all over the world. More and greater abominations from the New Testament churches leaders are that they evoke false spirits or magical tricks to make people fall down in very large numbers and shaking violently and rolling on the floor pretending to be from the Holy Spirit, forgetting that when the Holy Spirit fell upon the apostles on the day of Pentecost as I have said earlier the 120 disciples were sitting down and none of them shook. There is nowhere in the bible that the Holy Spirit make you shake violently or the mumbling words or speaking three gibberish Words that cannot be understood by the preachers themselves or their hearers, pretending that they are speaking in tongues. But today, in all the Lord’s New Testament churches all over the world, the evil practices of people shaking violently pretending it is from the Holy Spirit, all these are the evils practises by con artists Pastors and churches’ leaders of this New Testament churches now, also waving their satanic magical rings that wore on their fingers, or using their magical handkerchiefs, or their jackets or pieces of cloth soaked with chloroform, or play magical practices to make people fall down in large numbers, like the popular nursery rhymes “AND THEY ALL FALL DOWN” just to fool their members, or their congregations or believers, pretending that their actions are all from the Holy Spirit, the New Testament churches’ leaders and con artists Pastors have now become false Archbishops in your temples, “we pastors” have referenced ourselves so high that we addressed ourselves as “ “Reverend pastors The Most right reverend Archbishops” also addressed as Fathers, Papas, Mamas, My Lord, your Holiness, your excellency, the very Right Reverend archbishops the specks that only belong to God the father of our Lord Jesus Christ and our Lord Jesus Christ, forgetting that you can only reference God and our Lord Jesus Christ. No human beings are to be referenced, Other abominations in the New Testament churches are that the churches leaders, pastors, servants of God rely on and boasting of their academic achievements as degree holders, Doctors, engineers, lawyers, holders of masters degrees, Ph D, DD, His excellency and many more, forgetting that the apostles that Jesus chose were fisher men and tax collectors who went to the schools of Jesus Christ, taught by the Holy Spirit and graduated as the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, and had the excellent and wonderful and the extraordinary abilities, the Lord’s power that was bestowed upon them made them to have and greatest achievements that are priceless, More abominations in your New Testament churches are that immoralities are at their highest, people behaving badly and no fear or care for God and our Lord Jesus Christ anymore, also showing their own powers by jumping from one end of the altars to the other of the end of the altars or making funny noises, screaming and shouting like people that are possessed of the evils spiritsh and like the woman in labour pains when they pretend to preach, evil practices and inappropriate behaviours not befitting all the servants are been displayed and done in the temples of the Lord, many nations of the world have named the New Testament churches behaviours as satanic. Other abominations from the so called New Testament churches are that they also name Jesus Christ’s churches after their own countries or nations, like Church of England, Westminster chapel, Methodist churches, Baptist churches, Roman Catholic Churches, churches of West Africa, churches of the later rain, Apostolic churches, Pentecostal churches, 7 th day Adventist churches, church of Mormon and many more. Greater abominations are being practiced by New Testament churches like manipulations, scoffers, human and animals sacrifices, deceptions, and web and bridge of lies from churches leaders and pastors; your New Testament churches are now in the time of your spoken words through Paul the Apostle in the epistle of 2nd Timothy 3.1-9 which you Lord commanded me to read that are now happening in your churches. This know also, that in the last days perilous time shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4: Traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasures, more than lovers of God, 5: Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and leads captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers’ lusts, 7: Ever leaning, and never able to come to knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds. 9 But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was. Please God deliver all your New Testament churches from these hateful sins and from our wickedness that have gone to the highest degree, help us Lord and pour your Spirit of repentance upon us to repent wholeheartedly, regrettably, shamefully and ask for your forgiveness. Lord please bring us back with your fire inferno revival and bring us back to yourself in accepting and believing in your greatest revival of the observing your feasts days as holy convocation, your new year as the beginning of year and first month of the year for us and your Ten Commandments where the seventh day Sabbath is which were put in our minds and written into our hearts through the blood of Jesus Christ as holy convocation and to live our lives by them because they are your spoken words which are the Lord’s Himself according to your spoken words through John 1: 1 In the the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God. The New Testament churches all over the world have gone from bad to worse, they are so many deceptions and disorders in these New Testament churches with their own evil devices. The con artist pastors, of the New Testament churches leaders and servants of God sell your words of blessings from God and our Lord Jesus Christ for money. I mean that the con artist Pastors are actually, selling God’s and Jesus Christ’s words of blessings for money that they use for their evil purposes of living in a luxurious lifestyles like the evil people of the world. We your New Testament churches have sinned beyond the sands in all the seas in the world. The New Testament churches have completely mingled themselves with the evil world and the evil world in like manner. Gays and lesbians are in the New Testament churches and even among the churches leaders, Pastors and all the categories. New Testament churches all over the world. Other abominations are that the con artists pastors and churches leaders blow wind on people faces to make them fall down or swing their arms or spit on people’s faces and pushed them to fall down and have appointed stewards behind the unsuspected, and vulnerable people to catch their victims from hurting themselves pretending that their actions are all from the Holy Spirit, they use evil acts, or make funny gestures, or magical tricks. More and more abominations are that there are self-appointed Bishops, prophets, evangelists, teachers, apostles, Archbishops General overseers. But according to the scriptures in the bible, the word “ARCH” was used fort angels in the bible, and not for any human beings, it is wrong for any human beings to elevate themselves to the positions of God’s Archangels when God says, thou shall not add or take away from His word, but the con artist Pastors and churches leaders of the New Testament churches have the audacity and have rebelliously, wilfully, knowingly without any care or regard for the Lord, have added the word “Rapture” and taking away from your words “caught up saints” or “our gathering together ” according to Gods spoken words in the bible, all these evils that these perpetrators, or the greatest liars or the so called servants of Christ’s of the New Testament Churches’s teachings are based on how they have tried in every deceitfully ways possible and the hardest to interpret or rewrite the bible to suit their false teachings and preachings, today, the most senior apostles are used in your churches, today, almost every, church has their own fully interpreted bibles which they have watered down to suit their evil and false teachings and preachings. And these are the abominations and evil practices of the New Testament churches all over the world. More and greater abominations in the New Testament churches, the word venerable or the most senior apostles , and many more titles that are not even in the bible are used as a tittles or as specks in your churches, and the practices of wearing mantles and transferring mantles like Elijah are being practised in your New Testament churches all over the world. There is no more the fear of God in your churches anymore all over the world. Some con artist pastors or thieves, robbers or imposters, liars, rogues all these workers of evils and messengers of Satan that made themselves into pastors have become false electricians to perform false miracles or pretending to mend or fix their church members broken or damaged households electrical equipments, Many more abominable things are being done in the New Testament churches fake performances of miracle monies to be in the banks account of their members or in their members hand bags or pockets, or wallets are been preached, practised, and taught to your saints and been fulfilled in your churches.These evil teachings and preachings of miracles monies have turned your saints hearts from our Lord’s as the only sustainer and provider for all His saints needs to think otherwise or loose their faith in our Lord Jesus. Also, these evil prophets whose continuously prophecies of false messages and pretend that they are all from the Lord and the con artist prophets, pastors, teachers, and con artist churches’ leaders of the churches who only come to steal and to line their pockets with the Lord’s money. And to build up their financial empires with worldly goods buying aeroplanes, jets, helicopters and the most expensive aircraft pretending to use them to propagate the gospels of our Lord Jesus Christ which they use to make themselves big and different and above the saints of our Lord Jesus Christ from whom the money came which is the Lord’s money, and have taken away from the commandments of the Lord thou shall not kill or steal, and also the churches have made numerous idols and so many images of the earth and things of the heavens, they even made the images of the mercy seat with the angels, the Tabernacles in the wilderness and all its instruments and the angels, crosses and things under the earth, which the Lord categorically commanded us not to make Exodus 20:4 “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images, horns, trumpets, shofars, prayer shawls or mantles or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:”and 20:23 “Yee shall not make with me gods of silver, neither shall ye make unto you gods of gold.”All these have been removed from the Ten Commandments of God by the New Testament leaders because they are the tools that the New Testament churches churches leaders, Pastors and all the ministers of the Lord use to deceive the saints of our Lord Jesus Christ in writing their unending books that they sell to the saints of our Lord Jesus Christ and making and selling their overpriced merchandise in the Temples of our Lord Jesus Christ. Contrary to your spoken words through the gospel of John 2:14,15,16- And found in the Temple those that sold oxen, and sheep, and doves, and the changers of money, sitting. 15 And when he (Jesus Christ) had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the Temple, and the sheep & the oxen, and poured out the changer’s money, and overthrew the tables, 16 And said vnto them that sold doves Take these things, hence, make my Father’s house house of machandice 1st Corinthians 6:18 …. “Know ye that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,” But the so-called New Testament churches has ignored these and practically practiced falsehoods. All these con artists ministers of our Lord Jesus Christ are the real hustlers who slide into the churches of our Lord Jesus Christ in the sheep clothing, but they are ravening wolves who only come to destroy and to make the saints loose their faith with these their false preachings and their seas of lies. Who came in the Lord’s house to line their pockets with the Lord’s money. Whose purposes are to get money at all costs and by all the evil means and all the evil devices they can get and make the saints of our Lord Jesus Christ poor. All these evils confirmed God’s words to men that says, my daughter, my daughter, the treasuries of every Christ’s church on earth have been divided into two unequal parts, the biggest part for pastors and leaders of the New Testament churches, from what they have generated from the sales of their unending writing and the sales of their books and their over priced merchandise to the saints of our Lord Jesus Christ, the other smallest part belong to God and our Lord Jesus Christ who owns His churches. And these their wickedness of the con artist pastors and New Testament churches leaders is now extremely competitive and spread like gangrene all over the world. All the New Testament churches con artists leaders, Pastors have determined to use all the false means available to them, and all the evils and abominable ways to exact money from the saints of Jesus Christ, through covetousness, lying lips, web and bridge of lies upon lies and manipulations, and to milk them very dry by all the false means that they can find or device. There are some evil churches and ministries or organisations who entice their congregations or followers to have gifts of any kind, objects, shofars, selling prayer shawls any sizes in order to get more donations from their congregations, these are evil and they only work for themselves, they are all hungry wolves seeking whom they will destroy and not the ministers for our Lord Jesus Christ. None of the con artists pastors and churches leaders think about doing the Lord’s will or what the Lord’s wants, or likes, or what the scriptures says, or doing all things according to the will of Christ or the doctrine and the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, knowingly, wilfully and forgetting or choose or not remember the Lord’s Ten commandments of love where His 7 th day Sabbath is, to be as holy convocation which are the very spoken words of the Lord that are definitely the Lord Himself that the Lord Spiritually put in our minds and written in our hearts through the blood of Jesus Christ, which are the very spoken words of the Lord that are the Lord Jesus Christ Himself the feasts days of the Lord as holy convocations which are the words of the Lord’s and the Lords new year to be the beginning of year and first month of the year for us His churches, which are the very words of the Lord and the Lord Himself according to John 1:1 In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God. The Lord’s new year which the Lord commanded us to be the beginning of years and to be the first month of the year for us, which are definitely the spoken words of the Lord that are the Lord’s Himself according to John 1:1 In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God, and His feast days which God commanded us to be holy convocations, that are the sure spoken words of Lords that have been separated from the dross of the ceremonial laws the spoken words of the Lord are the Lord Himself according to the Lords word through John 1:1 In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God, which the Lord first commanded Moses to tell the children of Israel in Leviticus 23:1&2 which are the spoken words of the Lord and that they are the Lord’s Himself which can never be changed according to the words of the Lord in Malachi….3:6: I am the Lord I change not, and every word of the Lord is Spirit and life John 6:63…. It is the Spirit that quickeneth, the flesh profiteth nothing, the words that I speak to you are Spirit and they are lifebn . The feasts of the Lord are written in the book of Leviticus chapter 23:1-44 without the ceremonial laws and in very plain language showing that the Lord spake to Moses saying, to tell the the children of Israel, (1): “concerning the feasts of the Lord”; (2): “ even these are my feasts”, Leviticus 23: 1&2, they are the very spoken words of the Lord , that are the Lord Himself which does not belong to anyone let alone the children of Israel, they are not obsolete or nailed to the cross but forever belongs to our Lord Jesus Christ till eternity because they are the Lords spoken words, which are the the Lord Jesus Christ Himself that have been separated from the dross of the ceremonial laws by the blood of Jesus Christ and the Lord’s words are Lord’s Himself. John 1:1 In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God. But with the so-called con artist Pastors, shepherds of Christ or the ravening wolves in sheep clothing and acted are all leaders of the Lord New Testament churches and from their own wrong interpretation of the bible and rebellious attitudes towards the truth of the Lord’s words and satanic powers working in them, the feasts that the Lord called “ His own”, which are the very spoken words of the Lord and the Lord Himself and His seal to separate His churches from the evil world of sins, that are definitely the Lord Himself which our Lord had used as a protective measures for us so that we will be free from the evil of the world that we live in and have rebelliously been neglected, compromised, put in place of all the worldly feasts days of the antichrists Christmas, Easter, fathers days, mothers days, Valentines days, new year and many more that were instituted by the evil beast of revelation 13, known as the Papacy, or the antichrists or line of Popes whose number is 666, that have been decipher as Vicarius fili Dei, interpreted as vicar of son of God to be worshipped and whose mark is Sunday worship or the antichrists, or the beast that is in the book of revelation chapter 13. Also called the son of perdition or the man or mankind of sin or the lawless man or mankind. Whom the Lord Jesus
Christ made us to know about all the characteristics of this evil beast of revelation 13, through the epistle of Paul in 2nd Thessalonians 2, 1-17 1Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, 2That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 3Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
13But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth: 14Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. 15Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle. 16Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, 17Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work. The above bible scriptures verses are where it is evident and made the beast who instituted Sunday worship, the actual mark of the beast of revelation 13. Also, these New Testament churches of Jesus Christ neglecting Lord’s feasts as holy convocation, new year as the beginning of year and first month of the year for us His beloved churches and the Ten Commandments of the Lord where his 7 th day Sabbath is which the Lord had blessed and hallowed, and the Lord had put in our minds and written on our hearts through the blood of Jesus Christ and we have refused to live our lives by them, IS exactly in accordance with the prophecy of God in Daniel 7:25: 25 And he shall speake great words against the most high,( (God) ( blasphemy) and shall weare out the Saints of the most high, ( God) (with persecutions, tortures, pains also death) and thinke to change times, ( the 7 th day Sabbath of the Lord was changed by the antichrists to 6 th day of the week) and lawes: ( the Ten Commandments of the Lord was changed, the antichrists removed part of the first commandment, where God say thou shalt not make graven images or bow down to them, he divided the truth commandment Ito two, to make for the one he removed from the fist commandment) and they shall be giuen into his hand,( the 6 th day week Sunday worship, mark of the beast) vntill a time and times, & the diuiding of time ( the 1260 years that the Bishop of Rome used in preparation for his evil kingdom and to his supremacy that helped him to elevat himself to the position of Papacy or Pope , which lasted exactly 1260 years but it did not stop there but continued to the present time ) The years that the evil Bishop of Rome used for his “falling away” from the true church of Christ and in preparation for his evil kingdom, of his self elevation to the position of Pope or Papacy or to his supremacy which necessitated the formation of himself a city called the Vatican, the smallest city in the world, or known as a state, or country or the kingdom of the Papacy, the official offices of all the evil Popes, a city and the richest in the world, a city inside the city of Rome, very on heard of, for a city to be inside a city, yes but it true but through the antichrists with their sorceries and wizardries, manipulations, lies, deceptions and satanic practices have acquired all these evil things and luxurious lifestyles with all these evil Popes known as the antichrists, up till this time that I am writing this article, the occupants of this evil city is not up to one thousand people that live there and has her own language and currency , their own newspapers, they have dress codes before anyone can enter the Vatican and many more things that any country will have that this building of the Papacy’s empire lasted 1260 years to fulfil the Lord’s prophecy, but it did not stop there but the antichrists’ evil reign continues till the present time. Until Jesus Christ will destroy them permanently at Christ’s appointed time; which the Lord had planned partnered and purposed and made us to know in Revelation 20:9-10 And “they” (Satan, or the devil and all his evil armies) went vp on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp (the holy city ) of the Saints ( that the Lord had incorporated to the twelve tribes of Israel revelation 21:12&13) about, and the beloved city: ( the new Jerusalem coming down from God and out from heaven ) and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured “them ( satan and his armies were destroyed permanently by the Lord) revelation 20:10 And the devil that deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast of revelation (13) and (Rome the) false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night, for ever and ever. This wickedness of the Papacy has portrayed the evil actions of the evil beast of revelation 13, or as he with the other evil Popes are the sure antichrists, and this their characteristic made them very bitter hatred against our Lord. These antichrists are definitely and bitterly against God and our Lord Jesus Christ and will never succeed in this their evil doings but will definitely be destroyed by our Lord Jesus Christ as seen in revelation 20:9-10 as above: And our Lord Jesus Christ will destroy them permanently at Christ’s appointed time Revelation 20:10. To understand the unfolding of the meaning our hands, which made the Sunday worship the mark of the beast of revelation 13, New Testament churches, you need to read in this website, the article “The unfolding of our hands and our frontlets or foreheads ” that will make the Lords churches to really understand and know the truth concerning the full meaning of our hands and our frontlets or our foreheads that made the worshipping on Sunday mark of the beast of revelation 13. To be known as Sunday worship. Now as to the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ concerning reviving His churches with His greatest revival of the observance of His feasts days to be observed as holy convocation as explained before, His Ten Commandments where the 7 th day Sabbath is which the Lord had blessed and hallowed to be observed as holy convocation which the Lord put in our minds and written on our hearts by the blood of Jesus Christ and that all these have been separated from the dross of the ceremonial laws by the blood of Jesus Christ. His new year to be the beginning of year and the first month of the year for them which the Lord has used as everlasting boundaries and His seals upon His churches to have a distinct, indelible mark of distinction between His churches and the evil world that they live in. That are Lord’s spoken words which are the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and His words are one entity, and inseparable, indivisible that have been said earlier according to John 1:1 In the beginning was the word, the word with God and the word was God. That we must do the will of our Lord Jesus Christ on this planet earth according to the Lord’s own words in Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven…. That we the-so called New Testament churches who have significantly rejected and abandoned the words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Almighty God, they should know that they have rejected and abandoned the Lord Jesus Christ and God Almighty themselves and have grievously sinned against God and our Lord Jesus Christ. . And serving and worshiping the other gods known as the antichrists on the 6 th day of the week known as Sunday worship, the mark of the beast of revelation 13, honouring the Papacy the evil beast more and above the Lord Jesus Christ in neglecting, deserting all the spoken words of our Lord Jesus Christ which are the Lord’s Himself for these many years. How can we be so thoughtless and ignorant regarding our worshipping the beast of revelation 13 on the 6th day of the week known as Sunday worship, the mark of the beast of revelation 13. The perpetual enemies of the Lord. We the New Testament churches must repent seriously and adhere to the warnings of the Lord in Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that yea be not partakers of her sinner, and that yea receive not of her plagues: And right now, we need to confess these our very greatest sins and leave these our lives of rebellions, and the misunderstanding, our lack of knowledge of the spoken words of our Lord Jesus Christ and understanding of the Lord’s spoken words which are the Lord Himself and feel very sorrowful for our sins that are more than all the sands in the sea. We must now bring our continuous heartfelt sorrow confessions to the Lord to please fill us seriously with the Spirit of repentance that we need and must repent sincerely and regrettably. Please God pour upon your churches the Spirit of repentance, to repent with broken hearts and broken and contrite Spirits and by your graces to repent sincerely and remorsefully, and very regrettably, and very sorrowfully, shamelessly, shamefully with our sincere remorse and run away from all our evils that make us to have these very grevious sins, for your namesake and we ask for your forgiveness and we will stop and stop from all these evils and wickedness, disobedience and rebellions against God Almighty and our Lord Jesus Christ and start to accept, believe in the greatest revival of the Lord and in the observing the Lord’s feasts which the Lord commanded us to be holy convocation, which are the very spoken words of the Lord and the Lord Himself and to live our lives by them. The Lord’s new year to be used as the beginning of year and first month of the year for us, which are the spoken words of the Lord that are the Lord Himself and to live our lives by them. And to obeying the Ten Commandments of the Lord to be holy convocation where the 7 th day Sabbath is which the Lord has blessed and hallowed and the Lord put in our minds and written securely and for ever and surely on our hearts through the blood of Jesus Christ which are the spoken words of our Lord that are the Lord Himself and His seal upon His churches and for everyone that are called by the Lord’s name that the Lord had used as a very strong fixed division to free us from the evil world that we live in and made us very special and unique because they are the Lord words which are the Lord Jesus Christ Himself according to the gospel of John 1:1, In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was GGodGod. And the words of the Lord do not change neither the Lord’s Himself changed according to the Lord’s own words in Malachi 3:6 …. I am the Lord, I change not. As all true believers in Jesus Christ have accepted and serving and have their faith in the one and only God and our one only Lord Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. We the New Testament churches are very very sorry for our these our heavy sins, and we repent wholeheartedly and sorrowfully. And have shamefully, selflessly and shamelessly ask our Lord Jesus Christ to please give us His graces, mercies from His merciful heart to forgive us His churches that are called by the name of Jesus Christ. Please our Lord, take us out from the claws of the antichrist’s kingdom that is full of darkness, and revive us with your reviving fire inferno, give us your graces to have our full obedience to observing. All these had the Lord used as the strongest protection and His seal upon His churches for everyone that is called by the Lord’s name so that we will be very free from the evil world that we live in. We are very sorry for all our sins, and we sincerely regret sinning against you the Lord the who is the very root of our faith. Please Lord get us out from the bondage, slavery and the entrapment of this evil antichrists and help us to adhere to your warnings in revelation 18:4 ……And I heard another voice from heauen, saying, Come out of her, my people, that yee be not partakers of her sinnes, and that yee receiue not of her and the plagues: I servant of the Lord’s by His commandment standing in the gap by the Lord’s authority given to me which the Lord commanded me to proclaim and sound loud and clear these Lord’s messages of the awakening and the reviving His churches back to Himself through our sincere repentance and totally forsaken all our sins. I bowed the knees of my heart beseeching you for your Holy Spirit of repentance to fill our hearts to our maximum for our sincere repentances, to fill our lives, and give us your graces that we must and have to repent wholeheartedly, meaningfully sorrowfully, with the greatest remorse, shame, broken hearts and broken and contrite spirits and ask for your forgiveness, and must accept, be very grateful and observe your feasts days as holy convocation, new year as the beginning of year and the first month of the year for us and obey all your Ten Commandments where His 7 th day Sabbath is which the Lord had blessed and hallowed as holy convocation, which have been separated from the dross of the ceremonial laws that the Lord Spiritually put in our minds and written in our hearts through the blood of Jesus Christ, that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but in the Spirit Romans 8:4. In sincerity, because they are the Lord’s spoken words which are definitely the Lord’s Jesus Christ Himself according to John 1:1 In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God and to live our lives by them and to do your will like the heavens do always, according to your spoken words in Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven….Which the Lord had used as a fixed gulf and His seal upon his churches and for everyone that is called by the Lord name to completely separate us from the evil world that we live in, in accordance to the Lords words in John 17:15 I pray not that you should take them from the world but to keep them from the evil. Also, in the Lord’s own words in Mathew 6:13 of Our Father, who art in heaven……lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. We have definitely and rebelliously rejected the spoken words the Lord that are the Lord Jesus Christ Himself according to John 1:1 In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God. And thereby have rejected the Lord Jesus Christ Himself in whom we have our faith and the source of our lives. And this our rejecting of His spoken words are very sinful and grievous as all believers walk by faith and not by sight, 1st Corinthians 5:7 and according to the Lord to in Hebrews 11:1…. Faith-is the substance of thing hope for and the evidence of things not seen. These our greatest and very grievous sins have brought the greatest calamities and the greatest sins upon us His chosen people known as His churches, His inheritance, His saints, which He purchased with His own blood, which is His own life that He had given to us freely according to what God made us to know that blood is life in Genesis 9:4 But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall you not eate. We have definitely rejected our one and only Almighty God and our one and only Lord Jesus Christ themselves. The biggest questions in our hearts should be? How can we say that we have faith in our Lord Jesus Christ who is the word which we have willingly and totally rejected? who is His own words according to John 1:1 In the beginning was the word and the word with God and the word was God that we have deliberately rejected His sure spoken words, according to John above. Now by living in these our sinful and awful lives of unrighteousness in the rejection of the Lord’s words, we have deliberately, knowingly and willingly rejected the Lord Jesus Christ Himself in whom we have our faith. We have sinned, and have committed iniquities upon iniquities, and have done wickedly, and have rebelled, have multiplied our sins to the highest, and have knowingly, selflessly, blindly, repeatedly sinned and knowingly multiplied our sins against our love Lord Jesus Christ. Even by departing from the observance of thy feasts as holy convocation, new year as the beginning of year and the first month of the year for us and from thy Ten Commandments where the 7 th day Sabbath of the Lord is, as holy convocation that was blessed and had been hallowed by the Lord and that the Lord had been Spiritually separated from the dross of ceremonial laws that were put in our minds and written on our hearts through the blood of Jesus Christ. By substituting them to the 6 th day week and evil the feast’s days of the beast of revelation 13 the antichrists Christmas, Easter, Valentines day’s, Mothers days, Father’s Day, new years and many more with all the detestable decorations in the temples of the Lord for these many years. Which we your churches celebrate with the greatest joy, gladness by us your churches with joyfulness with detestable decorations that have desiccated the temples and the altar of the Lord and that are not pleasing to our Lord Jesus Christ knowingly desecrated the temples of our Lord every year for these many days, weeks, months an years and in the worldliest ways and bringing abominable things in the temples and on the altars of our Lord Jesus Christ with all these detestable decorations which are very evil to provoke the anger of our Lord Jesus Christ who gave us His live in place of our sinful and horrible lives through His blood. So that we can be very free from the evil world that we live in, all these detestable things should not have come to the Lord temples for these many years. We have sinned grievously against our loving Lord Jesus Christ, Neither have we hearkened unto thy sure spoken words, which are God’s Himself according to John 1:1 In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God? They are the very words of our Lord Jesus Christ which are the Lord Jesus Christ Himself and His seal upon His churches and for everyone that is called by the Lord name which the Lord our Lord had used as a sure set apart, in order to distinguish them from all the evils in the world and as the strongest wedge to be very free from the evil world that we live in, in accordance with the Lord’s word in John 17:15“ I pray not that thou shouldest take them outfit of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. And in the prayer that the Lord taught us Mathew 6:13 Our Father…… ..lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Please our merciful Lord, we are making our sincere requests to you with our repentances to please take us out from worshipping the beast of revelation 13, the evil Antichrists on Sunday which is the mark of the beast of revelation 13. To come out and act according to act the Lord’s warning in revelation 18:4“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” Oh our Lord, righteousness completely belongs unto thee, but unto us belong sins, confusions in our minds, thoughts and hearts, evils, rebellions and iniquities lack of knowledge and the understanding of your spoken words which are the Lord Himself. And because of these our trespasses, sins of rebellions and that we have trespassed against thee our Lord and our sins are so numerous and very great. We have brought the greatest shame upon ourselves. Oh Lord, we have greatly sinned against thee. To you Lord our Lord belong your sure mercies forgivenesses even though we your people and children and churches have rebelled against the Lord our God. And now our Lord of mercies, we have come to act according to the Lord’s warnings in revelation 18:4.” So that we as your churches can enjoy the Lord’s greatest revival of His feasts as holy convocation, new year as the beginning of year and first month of the year for us and the Ten Commandments where the 7 th day Sabbath is which the Lord had put in our minds and written on our hearts through the blood of Jesus Christ which the Lord had blessed and hallowed as holy convocation and to get us out from the evil world of the antichrists completely. And to adhere to the very spoken words of our Lord Jesus Christ according to John 1:1 In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God. Also, according to the truth of our Lord in John 17:17 Jesus Christ speaking: Sanctify them with thy truth, your word are truth. With the immense love that the Lord has for His churches had made the Lord to have given us His people, known as the churches His own glory according to John 17:22 Jesus Christ speaking: “And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:”. To stop us from all the evils of the world Accordingly to the Lord’s words in John 17:15 I-pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. And also, in the prayer that our Lord taught us in Mathew 6:13 Our Father, who art in heaven, …. lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. The highest evil and the greatest sins is following the evil doctrines of the evil beast in worshipping the antichrists on the the 6 th of the week known as Sunday worship the actual mark of the beast that is in revelation chapter 13, who is actually another god or the beast of revelation 13 or the antichrists or the line of Popes or the Papacy on the planet earth and we the churches of Jesus Christ that have been-celebrating the feasts days of this evil beast, Christmas, Easter, Father’s Day, mother days, Valentines days, new year and many more with all the imagery decorations and My churches have desiccated the Lord’s temples and altar for these many years. Which are very bad for we the New Testament churches have transgressed, and have lived in the lives of unrighteousness for these many years because we have rejected the spoken words of our Lord Jesus Christ which are definitely the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, we have sinned greatly against our Lord and our sins are grievous and many and all these evil sins had weigh us down that we cannot do the right things of our Lord, unable to preach the true gospel and the true doctrine and gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to His saints all over the world and have sinned greatly against our Lord Jesus Christ: yet made we not our confessions before the Lord our God, that we have to turn from our iniquities, and understand thy truth and obey your Ten commandments where the 7th day Sabbath is which the Lord had blessed and hallowed as holy convocation that the Lord had Spiritually put in our minds-and written on our hearts through the blood of Jesus Christ. To live our lives by them. To observe your feasts days as holy convocation. And to live our lives of holiness unto the Lord. And your new year as the beginning of year and first month of the year for us, which are the very spoken words of the Lord Jesus Christ, which are the Lord Himself according to John 1:1 In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God Which our Lord had used to differentiate us from the evil world that we live in. And now O Lord our God, we that the Lord have saved by the blood and the name of Jesus Christ and had severed us from all the evils in the wicked world that we live in Now we have come to listen and do what the Lord commanded us in accordance with the Lord’s warnings in revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” We New Testament churches have sinned beyond our comprehension and have acted very wickedly and very unwise; we have now come to say sorry with greatest remorse to our Lord and repent wholeheartedly of our sins with broken hearts and broken and contrite Spirits and heartfelt sorrow to beg the Lord for His forgiveness. Oh! our Lord! Oh our Lord! according to all thy righteousness, I beseech thee, let thine anger and thy fury be turned away from thy churches, because for our sins, and for these iniquities are very great and numerous sins. We the New Testament churches continued to do evil things in your temples or houses of the Lord every day for these many years. Now therefore, oh! our God, hear the prayers of this thy servant, and that of your churches and our sincere supplications, and cause thy face to shine upon thy churches that have sinned greatly against you, for these many years, we have now denounced, rejected and abandoned and greatly abhorred the evil antichrists and their evil practices and have sorrowfully repented of all our sins and have now become the repented churches of our Lord please Lord please Lord forgive us for your mercies and for your namesake. Help us to head your warnings. By your mercies Lord help us to do what your warning says in regarding to your spoken words of warnings in revelation 18:4 “Oh! my God, incline thine ears, hear us and please Lord hear us: please our Lord open thine eyes, and to behold these our heartfelt and sincere repentances and take your holy eyes far away from our grievous sins, and our wickedness and transgressions, our unlimited iniquities and our rebellions against our Lord Jesus Help us Lord to adhere to your warnings of revelation 18:4. Even though we your churches have ignorantly sinned against our Lord and thereby foolishly have rejected the Lord Jesus Christ HIMSELF, who gave us His own glory that we might be one with Him according to John 17:22….“And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are oneh the words=we have now repented wholeheartedly with heartfelt sorrows, with broken hearts broken and contrite spirits and with our fully repentant hearts Oh! our God, hear again our sincere confessions of our sins and our repentances and the prayers of thy servant, and her supplications asking for your mercies and cause thy face to shine upon all thy churches that have sincerely repented, we are very sorry Lord, forgive us of these our great and the sea of our sins Lord for your namesake. Lord, please help us we know that by your graces and mercies we will act according to your warnings according to the Lord’s warning in revelation 18:4 Oh my God, incline thine ears and hear open thine eyes, and not to behold our sinful hearts, but look upon your churches, which are called by thy name, with your eyes of mercies and compassion: for we do not present our supplications before thee for our own good works, not all Lord, and far from it Lord, but for thy great graces and with the unlimited numbers of your mercies and your unlimited graces upon us your churches. O Lord hear us, O Lord forgive us, O Lord hearken to your church’s repentant hearts of your churches that are called by your name and defer not for thine own sake, O my Lord : for thy churches, thy New Testament churches that are called by thy Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. With all these sins that we your churches have greatly sinned against you Lord with our heartfelt sorrow we have repented sincerely we have asked you our merciful Lord to give us and bestow upon us your full armour of your words and please Lord give us your whole armour and for us your churches to be fully armoured by your Holy Spirit and your words of truth and fully equipped with the the Lord’s sure armour of His word of the Lord, fully in us and upon us, we your New Testament churches will run far away from all things that have been making us sin against you our Lord according to your words. Please our Lord of mercies and compassion, bestow upon us these armour of your word as in Ephesians 6.10-20 and help us to be fully armoured as revived churches
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and the power of His might
1. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
2. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
3. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able. To withstand in the evil day and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness. 15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.
16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shallow be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplications and the spirit and watching there unto with all perseverance supplication for all saints. And for me, that utterance may be given unto me that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak to your churches as repentant New Testament churches. Now therefore, without delay, Churches of our Lord Jesus Christ! Come out, please, come out and come out as quickly from all evils and from the entrapment of Satan as you can with this amours of the Lord upon and in you from worshipping the antichrists on Sunday, the 6 th day of the week, which is the mark of the beast of revelation chapter 13, come out of this Sunday worship and act according to the warnings of the Lord in revelation 18:4… “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” New Testament churches, please! Please! and please! Come back to our Lord Jesus Christ with this whole armour of the words of our Lord Jesus Christ to our Almighty living and loving Lord and the living and loving Jesus and worship Christ in Spirit and in truth.❤️
in accordance with the Lord’s warnings in revelation 18:4. All the Lord’s words must come to fulfilment matter how long it takes to materialise Isaiah 55:11 “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”the Lord’s will must be done by His churches in this world that we live in as they do in the heavens of heavens according to Lord’s words in Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven….and to ‘know that the Lord’s words cannot go void according to the authenticity of the Lord word. Because they are the Lord’s truth until eternity according to John 17:17… “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”; Also Psalm 119:89 For ever O Lord thy word is settled in heaven. In order to do His will like the heavens do always, according to the words of the Lord Jesus Christ Mathew 6: 9-10 Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. All these are to the glory of the father of our Lord Jesus in Christ and to our Lord Jesus Christ. We must now till eternity be very obedient to all our Lord’s spoken words and do His will according to the Lord Jesus Christ own words in Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done in the earth as it is in heaven, we who have had our sincere Confessions, sincere repentances and prayers of forgiveness so that we can have full restoration to our Lord Jesus Christ and be fully reawakened and be revived as the partakers of the Lord’s greatest revival of the Lord’s reviving His churches with the observance of His feasts days as convocation His new year as the beginning of year and the first month of the year for us and His Ten Commandments where the 7 th day Sabbath is, that the Lord had blessed and hallowed which the Lord put in our minds and written on our hearts through the blood of Jesus Christ for the Lord churches to be the partakers of the sure and greatest revival of the Lord ever known to the world, His churches or ever known to mankind that the merciful Jesus Christ has for the churches of Jesus to Christ all over the world. This bring me to remind the churches of our Lord Jesus Christ about the prophecy of God in Daniel 7:25 And he shall speake great words against the most high, and shall weare out the Saints of the most high, and thinke to change times, and lawes: and they shall be giuen into his hand, vntill a time and times, & the diuiding of time where it says that the saints will be giving into his (the antichrists) hands. This is exactly what it’s means to be given into the hands of the antichrists, this worshipping on 6 th day of the week Sunday the mark of the beast of revelation 13: We need to appeal to the Lord to please forgive us and bring us out from the bondage, claws, the evil hands of this antichrists and the slavery and the entanglements, the evil trap of worshipping the evil Antichrists forever.In accordance to the Lord’s warnings in revelation 18:4 The Lord who had separated us from the foundation of the world with His feasts to be holy convocation, the Lord’s new year to be the beginning of year and the first year for us and His Ten Commandments where the 7 th day Sabbath is which the Lord had blessed and hallowed and that the Lord had put in our minds and written on our hearts through the blood of Jesus Christ to be holy convocation that the Lord has used and His seal upon His churches and for everyone that is called by the name of the Lord that had severed us with the strongest wedge or a fixed gulf just like the one in heavens of heavens that Abraham talked about in Luke,16:26, Making us to understand the importance and the plans, patterns and the purposes of God’s separating His churches from the evil world which Abraham in heaven explained to the rich man in hell fire. These our obedience has been fulfilled in the full authenticity of our God’s word that says. “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” I solemnly say Our utmost thanks to you, our Lord of covenant for hearing and accepting all the praises sincere confessions, repentances of us your New Testament churches and in this our unworthy state, making our prayers, supplications, worship, praises, and adoration, unlimited love that we make to the Lord. And our utmost gratitude and with our unlimited thanksgivings to our living and loving Jesus I, standing by the commandment of the Lord giving to me for the New Testament churches of Jesus Christ worldwide to do your will like the heavens according to the prayer that the Lord taught us Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. To come back and as we must and willingly and, we the New Testament churches must now live our lives according to your spoken word by the Holy Spirit through Paul in Romans 12: 1- 20 ”I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a Living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: so, we, being many, are one body in Christ, and everyone member one of another. Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith; or ministry, let us wait on our ministering: or he that teacheth, on teaching; or heh that exhorteth, on exhortation: he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity; he that ruleth, with diligence; he that sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness. Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good, not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer; distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality. Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not. Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things but condescend to men of low estate). Be not wise in your own conceits. Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore, if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.“
And most importantly, our unlimited thanks you Lord for awakening us so that we must fully surrender ourselves to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ and to completely adhere to the sure warnings of our Lord in revelation 18:4“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” We the New Testament churches have now fully awakened, to be revived by the greatest revival and must observe your feasts days as holy convocations, your Ten Commandments as holy convocations that you have blessed and hallowed which you have put on our minds and written on our hearts through the blood of Jesus Christ and your new year to be the beginning of year and first month of the year for us, which are the very spoken words of the Lord Jesus Christ and that are the Lord Jesus Christ Himself according to John 1:1 In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God, that have been Spiritually separated from all the dross of all the ceremonial laws or rituals or ordinances by the blood of Jesus Christ, confirmed in all the scriptures, the details of the ceremonial laws are in Hebrews 10:1-39 and your new year that the Lord used as the beginning of year and the first month of the years for all believe it in our Lord Jesus Christ which you the Lord first commanded Moses in the Lord’s own words I to tell the children of Israel in Exodus 12: 2: & 13:4; Deuteronomy 16:1 as you have read earlier and as all believers in Jesus Christ are serving the same God and our Lord Jesus
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
By the graces of God and of our Lord Jesus Christ, I have decreed, declared wholeheartedly, and confirmed and highly believed in.
🙏Our father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom comes. Thy will be done, in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give vs this day our daily bread.
And forgive our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
4. 13 And lead vs not into temptation but deliver vs from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever, Amen.
Hallelujah 7 times.
Holy Holy Holy 7 times out
Amen, Amen, Amen 7 times.
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Confessions, repentances, and prayers for forgiveness for all the churches of our Lord Jesus Christ all the world In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth New Testament churches, with the many explanations of the bible scriptures, that have now opened our hearts and our thoughts, understanding and the knowledge…