Category: Website content

The unfolding of the book of Revelation chapters 17. by the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ

Many writers, scholars, historians, poets and many more have tried to interpret or unfold the mystery of revelation chapter 17.9-17 The mountains or hills of Rome, the seven hills are: Aventine Hill  Caelian Hill  Capitoline Hill  Esquiline Hill Palatine Hill  Quirinal Hill  Viminal Hill  The seven heads and seven mountains,…


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Some of the unfolding of the mysteries of God’S word regarding His feasts days, Ten Commandments and His new year

Some of the unfolding of the feasts of God, which God commanded Moses to tell the Israelites Leviticus 23.1-2 1 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, 23:2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, (1) “Concerning the feasts of the LORD, “which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations,…


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The foundation of salvation through Jesus Christ of Nazareth, revealed to me through Jesus Christ the Saviour of the whole world

What you are about to read below is the revelation from the Lord Jesus Christ to me. The foundation of Jesus Christ’s Salvation started before the foundation of the world as a mystery which no human being know nothing about. This mystery was only known to the Almighty God and…


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The Lord’s warning to His churches all over the world

This article is Holy Spirit inspired. Not the will of man nor the knowledge of human being. God’s warnings to the churches of Jesus Christ all over the world on 07/07/1997. The Spirit of the Lord took me to a place, this place was brightly lit with the brightness of…


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Some Of The Keys To Obeying God

Introduction Keys to obedience to God I was interested in reading the bible from Genesis to the book of Revelation by the direction of the Holy Spirit, about God’s creation and the given of His Ten Commandments, and His feasts days, the Salvation that Jesus brought to the whole world…


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Jesus Christ said: “I am the way, truth, and life: no man come through unto the Father but by me”

Introduction: I am the way, the truth, and life. John 14.6. Jesus said unto Thomas, one of the Apostles: I am the way, the truth, and the life. Believers in Jesus Christ, how much do we understand this saying of Jesus Christ? Jesus Christ with His apostles, He was telling them…


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