Author: Juliana JooSabba

God’s messages of betrayal and sins to the churches of Jesus Christ globally

BEFORE YOU READ, THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, GODS FEASTS DAYS, HIS NEW YEAR AND THE SABBATH DO NOT COME AS SALVATION. But they are the very spoken words of God which are God Himself and His seal upon His churches to separate them from the evil world that they live in.…


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All the believers in Jesus Christ need to observe the 7th day Sabbath

Why we need to observe the Lord’s Sabbath, which says Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy exodus 20.8-11 8 Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.20 : 9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:  20: 10 But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it…


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The seal that Jesus Christ put on the 7th day Sabbath

Please to all the saints of Jesus Christ, remember that you have accepted Jesus Christ by faith, so must you accept the feasts days, the Ten commandments where the observance of the seveth day Sabbath is, the new year of of God. The Almighty God used these as a sign…


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Jesus Christ light of the world

Please I was inspired by the Holy Spirit in correlating this work that you about to read. I advise you to be filled with the Holy Spirit to read and understand this article. Not by my power but God’s power. Jesus Christ the light of the world, the Almighty God.Jesus…


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Ezekiel chapter 8

The Holy Spirit of the Lord warns the Churches of Jesus Christ all over the globe to read this Ezekiel chapter 8 carefully and with the Holy Spirit of God to examine themselves if you as an Apostles, leaders, Pastors, Evangelists, Teachers Bishops, or members of the churches of Christ…


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The wrath of God on Nigeria

The wrath of God’s upon Nigeria Date: 21-12-1986 In this vision, the Spirit of the Lord placed me on-top of the Government house at Abuja with the Nigerian flag. I could recognise the building and the area that this building was the Capital of Nigeria Abuja. I was wondering what…


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