The Lord’s Warnings To All His Churches

God’s Warnings to the churches of Jesus Christ and the world concerning all the wrongs that Satan is using the false prophets, teachers, evangelists. Pastors in the churches of Jesus Christ do all over the world in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Thank you Lord for the way, that you had decreed, mandated,


The wrath of the Lord on the world

Please readers, when you read this, at the time that the Lord showed me this, He did not tell me that it was for coronavirus. The word coronavirus did not exist then. When coronavirus started, I was soliciting, crying, begging God to please take and destroy coronavirus for His churches sake and the whole world,


These are what Jesus Christ went through to save us

Crucifixion probably started first with the Persians (what is modern-day Iran). Initially, the victim was suspended to keep their feet from touching the holy ground. The Phoenicians, traders to many lands, seem to have also acquired the practice and probably spread it to other cultures, including the Greeks. Alexander the Great (a Greek) introduced the
