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What The Website Stands For

The centrality of these writings is Jesus Christ, who from the beginning was the great I AM, the Master Planner, and to whom the past, the present and the future belongs. His plans, patterns, and purposes of the past are exactly for the future; all for His own glory and purposes.…


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Why we need to observe the Lord’s Sabbath

Please to all the saints of Jesus Christ, remember that you have accepted Jesus Christ by faith, so must you accept the feasts days, the Ten commandments where the observance of the seveth day Sabbath is, the new year of of God. The Almighty God used these as a sign…


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About the Vatican City and the destruction of Roman Catholic system of doctrine

Date of revelation: 12/02/2011 The Holy Spirit of God took me and placed me inside the Vatican on the very sport that the Pope sits. This place was dark, full of all abominable statuses of Mary, of all the Popes that have died and the one alive, of Saint Peter…


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The destruction of Roman Catholic System of worship all over the world

Date of the revelation: 07-07-2006. The Spirit of the Almighty Lord took me to a place. In this place, there were three buildings, I was in the one were was written “The true church of Jesus Christ stands forevermore”.  There were two buildings representing the Roman Catholic Churches all over the…


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The wrath of the Lord on the world

Please readers, when you read this, at the time that the Lord showed me this, He did not tell me that it was for coronavirus. The word coronavirus did not exist then. When coronavirus started, I was soliciting, crying, begging God to please take and destroy coronavirus for His churches…


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The 144.000 as revealed by the Holy Spirit of Christ

To all who read this epistle, the word of God can’t be understood by any human interpretation, knowledge, understanding, or wisdom. No one can use the idea of reading an ordinary book or novels to interpret the word of God. The interpretation of God’s word is purely by the Holy…


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