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The Caught up saints as revealed to me by the Lord Jesus Christ

THIS WAS REVEALED TO ME BY THE ALMIGHTY GOD : On the 23/03/1989. About this revelation that God showed me concerning the saints of Jesus Christ in the air, inside the clouds. In this vision, the Spirit of God Almighty took me to a place. In this place, I found…


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Jesus Christ the creator of heaven and earth worth celebrating

Jesus Christ the light of the world. Jesus Christ, the Almighty God worth celebrating in observing all His feasts days, new year and the 7th day Sabbath as Christians days of independence. Jesus Christ who delivered us from satanism, died and by shedding of His precious blood for us is…


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These are what Jesus Christ went through to save us

Crucifixion probably started first with the Persians (what is modern-day Iran). Initially, the victim was suspended to keep their feet from touching the holy ground. The Phoenicians, traders to many lands, seem to have also acquired the practice and probably spread it to other cultures, including the Greeks. Alexander the…


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The wrath of God on Nigeria

The wrath of God upon Nigeria Date: 21-12-1986 In this vision, the Spirit of the Lord placed me on top of the Government house at Abuja with the Nigerian flag. I could recognize the building and the area that this building was the Capital of Nigeria, Abuja. I was wondering…


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Confessions and prayers for all the Churches of Jesus Christ all over the world by the commandment of Jesus Christ

Churches please! please!! please!!! come back to Jesus Christ and worship Him in Spirit and truth in Christ Jesus Name, amen. Prayer Confessions for sins for me, my seeds and for the churches of Jesus Christ all over the world Before I can delve to the confessions, these are the scriptures…


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About This Mission

Mission Statement The centrality of these mission is Jesus Christ, who from the beginning was the great I AM, the Master planner, and to whom the past, the present and the future belongs.His plans, patterns, and purposes of the past are exactly for the future; all for His own glory…


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