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The root of the Yorubas in Nigeria was revealed to me by our Lord Jesus Christ.

A revelation that the Almighty God gave me regarding the Nigerian’s nativity. In this vision, I was with a group of people and were discussing the bible on the the book of Deuteronomy as we discussed, I noticed that there was a man who was not sitting with us but…


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The MYSTERY of our Hands and the Foreheads

The MYSTERY of our Hands and the Frontlets or Foreheads revealed by the HOLY SPIRIT. Before I go further about the mystery of our hands and the frontlets or foreheads, Let me tell u what the Holy Spirit made me know regarding the above What is our hands? The dictionary…


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The greatest abomination committed by the churches regarding the so-called Christmas

Dear readers, I can only compare this topic to Ezekiel chapter 8.1-18 1 And it came to pass in the sixth year, in the sixth month, in the fifth day of the month, as I sat in mine house, and the elders of Judah sat before me, that the hand of…


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The deceit of Satan all through the bible

The deceit of Satan all through the bible in order to  deceive the believers in Jesus Christ It was said that Satan was more deceitful ( subtitle) more than any of the animals that God created in the world. Genesis 3.1 1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any…


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The Lord’s Warnings To All His Churches

God’s Warnings to the churches of Jesus Christ and the world concerning all the wrongs that Satan is using the false prophets, teachers, evangelists. Pastors in the churches of Jesus Christ do all over the world in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Thank you Lord for the way,…


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The wrath of God on the descendants of the Ishmaelites

Date of revelation: 7th June, 1989. I was in the Spirit of God in this vision and the surroundings were very bright and very serene, in front of me was a massive bushy area. As I looked on, I saw a huge mosque with the orange dome inside this very…


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