Month: November 2022

The end of the world as Jesus Christ revealed it to me

The end of the worldI was taking in the Spirit of God to a place, the surrounding was cool and serene and it was a bluish shining colour with different shades of blue but very transparent. It looks like glass and just like the bluish colour of an ocean at…


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The celebration of Lord’s feasts as holy convocation and His Ten Commandments as holy convocation where the seventh day Sabbath is that was blessed and hallowed that was put in our minds and written on our hearts in and His seal to set His churches apart from the evil world that they live in and to honour of our Lord Jesus Christ

The unfolding of the feasts of God as holy convocation, the Ten Commandments that the was blessed, hallowed that the Lord put on our minds and written on our hearts, is and the new year to be used as beginning of year and the first month of the year for…


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