Author: Juliana JooSabba
The vision that was revealed to me concerning the wrath of God on the Northern Korea bomb factories
On July 7 1988, in this vision, the Spirit of God took me to North Korea and placed me on top of the Northern Koreans Parliament House, the office of the President of North Korea. The flag was on top of the building, I was afraid and was bewildered to…
The revelation of God concerning His restoration of Nigeria
The restoration and the blessings of God upon Nigeria was revealed to me by the Almighty God on 29.12.2003. In this vision, the Spirit of the Lord put me in a place very big place. I could not see the beginning or the ending of this mysterious place but it…
The revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ regarding the total destruction of the Roman Catholic system of worship all over the world
The destruction of the Roman Catholic System of worship all over the world by the Almighty Lord. Date of the revelation: 07-07-2006 The Spirit of the Almighty Lord took me to a place. In this place, there were three buildings. I was in the one where it was written, “The…
The greatest abomination committed by the churches of Christ regarding the so-called pagan Christmas
Introduction Jesus Christ was born in a manger many years ago, why are people still calling him a baby? This is an abomination and the greatest blasphemy any one can commit. All over the world, when a grown up person lacks wisdom, or unable to do the right things, it’s…
The wrath of God on the descendants of the Ishmaelites
The wrath of the Lord Jesus Christ upon all the descendants of Ismael all over the world as revealed to me by our Lord Jesus Christ in a vision on 7th June 1989. I was in the Spirit of God in this vision and the surroundings were very bright and…
The seven churches of the book of Revelation as the authenticity of Jesus Christ’s patterned for corrections and commendation for Christ’s churches on earth
The seven churches of the book of Revelation chapters two and three. Jesus Christ had already given His church/ churches on earth the plans, patterns and purposes of how to conduct ourselves in His churches. These do not give all ministers of Jesus Christ or the believers in Him any room…